Rules: No Names.
Internet vendors make cigar purchases easy whether NC or CC. The US vendors who currently sell only New World cigars are by en large very professional, very aggressive with discounting, deals and promotions; and in fairness to them, aren't particularly interested in selling outside of the USA.
For CC cigars USA BOTL unless traveling abroard have relied on Internet vendors. Irrespective of not really being allowed to have them the amount of CC cigars sold into the USA is high and the 'grey market' accounts for most of those cigars. With few exceptions and irrespective of where they're located the target market for Internet vendors of CC cigars is the USA.
When or if the purchase of Cuban cigars becomes legal in the USA several things must happen. The 'grey market' will begin to dry as Habanos divert cigars traditionally intended for that area into the now legitimate US market. US vendors selling CC cigars will look to Internet sales, which is reasonable, the USA is a huge country and the market will be hungry.
Now, there will always be those that chase the cheapest price and there are no end of dodgy vendors set up to catch the unwary by doing just that. But legitimate supply is a game changer, US citizens are generally very law abiding and patriotic and I suspect would, having the choice with no risk, much prefer to give their Dollars to Uncle Sam than hand them to someone in Geneva or Costa Rica.
US prices aren't that much different to those of the cheaper European countries, so other than for RE I wouldn't see US BOTL really needing non-US CC vendors that much in future. One or two Internet vendors may locate into the USA, others may try to carry on, but starved of stock and US customers many will wither.
Like it or not we might all be indirectly effected. Anyone disagree?
Internet vendors make cigar purchases easy whether NC or CC. The US vendors who currently sell only New World cigars are by en large very professional, very aggressive with discounting, deals and promotions; and in fairness to them, aren't particularly interested in selling outside of the USA.
For CC cigars USA BOTL unless traveling abroard have relied on Internet vendors. Irrespective of not really being allowed to have them the amount of CC cigars sold into the USA is high and the 'grey market' accounts for most of those cigars. With few exceptions and irrespective of where they're located the target market for Internet vendors of CC cigars is the USA.
When or if the purchase of Cuban cigars becomes legal in the USA several things must happen. The 'grey market' will begin to dry as Habanos divert cigars traditionally intended for that area into the now legitimate US market. US vendors selling CC cigars will look to Internet sales, which is reasonable, the USA is a huge country and the market will be hungry.
Now, there will always be those that chase the cheapest price and there are no end of dodgy vendors set up to catch the unwary by doing just that. But legitimate supply is a game changer, US citizens are generally very law abiding and patriotic and I suspect would, having the choice with no risk, much prefer to give their Dollars to Uncle Sam than hand them to someone in Geneva or Costa Rica.
US prices aren't that much different to those of the cheaper European countries, so other than for RE I wouldn't see US BOTL really needing non-US CC vendors that much in future. One or two Internet vendors may locate into the USA, others may try to carry on, but starved of stock and US customers many will wither.
Like it or not we might all be indirectly effected. Anyone disagree?