I asked Nino for help in getting a copy of the new MRN book and he pointed me towards his blog.
Tippex gets singled out and I think I'm the moderator he's telling to fuck off because I kept out of the discussion.....but I could be wrong..things are getting a bit bonkers
Update* 15.04. :*
My Take On Comments in some forums on MRN & the II Edition.
Oil into the fire ??
Closing the door with a loud bang ??
If some or rather, the usual suspects, think that is the case, so be it.
Mind over matter ? I don?t mind and they don?t matter.
Here?s my*personal*opinion on comments posted recently in some forums :
MRN ( and his work ) is a controversial*subject in the cigar world.
While the overwhelming majority respects his unique contribution to cigar research and literature as well as his pursuit of the highest quality possible in a book, he is perceived and criticized by a vocal minority for being ?elitist? and ?keeping a book away from the common cigar smoker? or more broadly : ?the masses?.
The rumoured price of the II Edition or the bubble created by the price inflation of the I Edition have not helped calm the waters ? it has had the opposite effect in some quarters.
A ripple effect I have felt myself, having been impersonated ( like other good and dedicated posters like smallclub )**and viciously attacked with denigrating comments from ?BOTL? referring to me personally and to my blog in some forums.
BTW : the word BOTL itself makes me want to puke in this context, so hollow and deceptive it is when referred to these Rat Of The Leaf scum.
BOTL my ass.
Being a friend of MRN and posting about his work has long placed me in the crosshairs of this vitriolic ?ROTL? minority.
I?d like to document some of these more blatantly stupid, offensive, provocative and/or openly racist comments.
Let?s start with the easy & funnily stupid ones.
Last year I posted about the final update on the II Edition.
Please go to the comment section and check out ?Bambini?s? comment and my reply to all his pestering :
Here?s his cigar bio credentials ( posted on UK CF by himself ) :
I?m Bambini and I work in a psycho. department (no, I can?t read your mind).
Started smoking cigars over the past few months after a holiday in Cuba. As I?ve said elsewhere, I?m looking to probably only smoke a cigar every month or so, for financial and health reasons.
I?m working on developing a (very) modest collection of around 15 cigars for now.
I?ll probably only smoke a cigar every couple of months or so.
The thing is that most of my cigars will probably be Chirstmas/birthday gifts that I won?t smoke immediately.
After pestering me some more with several obnoxious & stupid comments plus follow-ups by mail contact on price & MRN, Bambini didn?t think twice about making a complete fool of himself by begging me to delete his ? first name :
I?m not trying to be narky, but kindly remove the comment you wrote which includes my first name. As you?ve established, I work in a mental health setting and this means that I largely have to be careful what personal information I put online ? I have quite an uncommon first name, so I do try and be cautious about what I put out there under my real name Leixx
So while this is more or less par for the course and a fine sample of a nut posting away in public & then wanting the toothpaste back into the tube, the last post on the II Edition has really shaken the proverbial rats out of their holes so to speak.
All of the virulent comments and mails I received went straight to the trash bin, which I don?t mind.
What I do mind, however, is the deliberate obstruction/destruction of public threads by these nut cases using unwarranted, offensive, provocative and racist tones.
An informative thread on FoH was rudely invaded by ?athome? a clown intelligent enough to compare Beethoven to Hitler to MRN ? a guy with 30 posts there and no cigar history other than belligerent BS. Or so I thought then.
Here his ?intellectual contribution? to a, so far, balanced thread :
I seem to remember the same sort of comments were made by Hitler ?. but I doubt anything he accomplished could be termed a masterpiece.
Reply by a member :*Totally awesome that you managed to bring Hitler into this discussion.**Godwin?s law. *Took 5 pages though.
athome :*If he?s tabboo on here I?m sorry ?. I didn?t know.
Me :**If it would have been Wagner ? at least I?d have understood ? but poor old Ludwig van ? WTF come on you humourless joker ?
Mods please delete the comments*and/or lock this thread ? Thanks.
athome :*Learn to read through threadstrolly-boy!
Me :*Naw, you?re just another ? Proud member of the International Brotherhood of People who Contributed Nothing but Wasted Our Whole Lifetime Grumbling and Criticizing on Things We Do Not Remotely Understand.? society.
Too dumb to read, too quick to post and too stupid to stop digging the hole ? the shoe fits you and your brotherhood well ?
Go ahead, make me laugh some more while I enjoy a cigar or two ?
So what had been an informative thread for the large majority was closed/deleted due to these repugnant, offensive and deliberate remarks by one loony clown.
On the UK Cigar Forum the discussion was also dominated by abusive, racist and demeaning language.
See :http://www.ukcigarforums.com/showthr...RN-2nd-Edition
Being a ( passive ) member there I posted two replies, one with an original text from MRN to cheap fuckers whining about the bamboo case and explaining MRN?s support for the earth-quake victims in Sichuan where it is produced ) and a last one cancelling my membership due to comments like these :
What an Arrogant fucker?
And I couldn?t care if they were made from Gopher wood re-cycled from Noah?s Arc, they?re still fucking ugly!
Say he is making a 100% markup at ?3000, he will be making much more than that I can assure you
how long until the Chinese black market is selling*Nim Nom Nee*book that look identical but are ?50 at donington market.
just emailed a guy on alibaba says he can get me as many as i need for a fiver!!!!
So, as I suspected old Ronie boy is keeping a chunk?
And then expecting people he couldn?t give two hoots about to cover the cost of his inner circle and to subsidise his outer circle.
At least he?s actually admitting it now.
All above comments copied from a CA thread mentioned below.
One particularly aggressive poster, among many, at UK CF happens to be ?Tippexx?.
What can you say about such a thoughtful contribution :
Which from the test pages I?ve seen so far has the same artistic qualities as a 1950s edition of the Radio Times and support texts which read like they were put together by aChinese waiter*?. but as long as you?re willing to swear that the Emperor is wearing his clothes, you can have one.
He also posts on Cigar Aficionado?s forum ( Warning : ?enjoy? the comments and the language used by these ?ROTL? at your own risk)**:http://forums.cigaraficionado.com/ev...5/m/8237017542
?Tippexx? became involved in a discussion with another poster who exposed those racist and offensive comments and called him out as being the same ?athome? clown who provoked the deletion of the thread at FoH.
No coincidence and no mystery to me when both ?athome? and ?Tippexx? use not only the same signature on both forums but such idiomatic pearls liketrolly-boy*? he used it with me on FoH and again at the UK CF :
What I do object to however is the pre-launch braggadocio delivered by the*trolly-boy*that?s trying to convince me that something I haven?t seen is already a masterpiece of photography, print production and scholarship.
I?m a design professional, and so far the Hansel and Gretel furniture and the pdf test pages haven?t passed the Tippexx ?So what?? test.
Hopefully the real book pages will be cleaner, brighter and the layouts better put together and the support texts not written by someone fresh out of the*Benny Hill Chinese Menu School of English.
His reasons at Cigar Aficionado for being such a ROTL are worthy of a dirtbucket.
Not bad for a self-professed ?design professional?.
Chapeau, I thought such profanity died with the era of the sailing ships ?
Let me finish with the real joke of having a UK CF Moderator asking ( or rather : requesting it ? no please or thank you of course ) me for an invitation to purchase the II Edition ? he doesn?t have the balls to intervene there but has the cheek to ask me for the invite elsewhere. Well here?s my reply : Fuck off boy.
That?s it.
I am glad these intrigues by the ?ROTL? clowns are public and happy I can vent my frustration here on my blog.
Happy to leave that small, incestuous public cigar world for the larger and more comfortable personal world.
Some might think the above was the reason for it.
It wasn?t.
It is just a happy coincidence.
Tippex gets singled out and I think I'm the moderator he's telling to fuck off because I kept out of the discussion.....but I could be wrong..things are getting a bit bonkers

Update* 15.04. :*
My Take On Comments in some forums on MRN & the II Edition.
Oil into the fire ??
Closing the door with a loud bang ??
If some or rather, the usual suspects, think that is the case, so be it.
Mind over matter ? I don?t mind and they don?t matter.
Here?s my*personal*opinion on comments posted recently in some forums :
MRN ( and his work ) is a controversial*subject in the cigar world.
While the overwhelming majority respects his unique contribution to cigar research and literature as well as his pursuit of the highest quality possible in a book, he is perceived and criticized by a vocal minority for being ?elitist? and ?keeping a book away from the common cigar smoker? or more broadly : ?the masses?.
The rumoured price of the II Edition or the bubble created by the price inflation of the I Edition have not helped calm the waters ? it has had the opposite effect in some quarters.
A ripple effect I have felt myself, having been impersonated ( like other good and dedicated posters like smallclub )**and viciously attacked with denigrating comments from ?BOTL? referring to me personally and to my blog in some forums.
BTW : the word BOTL itself makes me want to puke in this context, so hollow and deceptive it is when referred to these Rat Of The Leaf scum.
BOTL my ass.
Being a friend of MRN and posting about his work has long placed me in the crosshairs of this vitriolic ?ROTL? minority.
I?d like to document some of these more blatantly stupid, offensive, provocative and/or openly racist comments.
Let?s start with the easy & funnily stupid ones.
Last year I posted about the final update on the II Edition.
Please go to the comment section and check out ?Bambini?s? comment and my reply to all his pestering :
Here?s his cigar bio credentials ( posted on UK CF by himself ) :
I?m Bambini and I work in a psycho. department (no, I can?t read your mind).
Started smoking cigars over the past few months after a holiday in Cuba. As I?ve said elsewhere, I?m looking to probably only smoke a cigar every month or so, for financial and health reasons.
I?m working on developing a (very) modest collection of around 15 cigars for now.
I?ll probably only smoke a cigar every couple of months or so.
The thing is that most of my cigars will probably be Chirstmas/birthday gifts that I won?t smoke immediately.
After pestering me some more with several obnoxious & stupid comments plus follow-ups by mail contact on price & MRN, Bambini didn?t think twice about making a complete fool of himself by begging me to delete his ? first name :
I?m not trying to be narky, but kindly remove the comment you wrote which includes my first name. As you?ve established, I work in a mental health setting and this means that I largely have to be careful what personal information I put online ? I have quite an uncommon first name, so I do try and be cautious about what I put out there under my real name Leixx
So while this is more or less par for the course and a fine sample of a nut posting away in public & then wanting the toothpaste back into the tube, the last post on the II Edition has really shaken the proverbial rats out of their holes so to speak.
All of the virulent comments and mails I received went straight to the trash bin, which I don?t mind.
What I do mind, however, is the deliberate obstruction/destruction of public threads by these nut cases using unwarranted, offensive, provocative and racist tones.
An informative thread on FoH was rudely invaded by ?athome? a clown intelligent enough to compare Beethoven to Hitler to MRN ? a guy with 30 posts there and no cigar history other than belligerent BS. Or so I thought then.
Here his ?intellectual contribution? to a, so far, balanced thread :
I seem to remember the same sort of comments were made by Hitler ?. but I doubt anything he accomplished could be termed a masterpiece.
Reply by a member :*Totally awesome that you managed to bring Hitler into this discussion.**Godwin?s law. *Took 5 pages though.
athome :*If he?s tabboo on here I?m sorry ?. I didn?t know.
Me :**If it would have been Wagner ? at least I?d have understood ? but poor old Ludwig van ? WTF come on you humourless joker ?
Mods please delete the comments*and/or lock this thread ? Thanks.
athome :*Learn to read through threadstrolly-boy!
Me :*Naw, you?re just another ? Proud member of the International Brotherhood of People who Contributed Nothing but Wasted Our Whole Lifetime Grumbling and Criticizing on Things We Do Not Remotely Understand.? society.
Too dumb to read, too quick to post and too stupid to stop digging the hole ? the shoe fits you and your brotherhood well ?
Go ahead, make me laugh some more while I enjoy a cigar or two ?
So what had been an informative thread for the large majority was closed/deleted due to these repugnant, offensive and deliberate remarks by one loony clown.
On the UK Cigar Forum the discussion was also dominated by abusive, racist and demeaning language.
See :http://www.ukcigarforums.com/showthr...RN-2nd-Edition
Being a ( passive ) member there I posted two replies, one with an original text from MRN to cheap fuckers whining about the bamboo case and explaining MRN?s support for the earth-quake victims in Sichuan where it is produced ) and a last one cancelling my membership due to comments like these :
What an Arrogant fucker?
And I couldn?t care if they were made from Gopher wood re-cycled from Noah?s Arc, they?re still fucking ugly!
Say he is making a 100% markup at ?3000, he will be making much more than that I can assure you
how long until the Chinese black market is selling*Nim Nom Nee*book that look identical but are ?50 at donington market.
just emailed a guy on alibaba says he can get me as many as i need for a fiver!!!!
So, as I suspected old Ronie boy is keeping a chunk?
And then expecting people he couldn?t give two hoots about to cover the cost of his inner circle and to subsidise his outer circle.
At least he?s actually admitting it now.
All above comments copied from a CA thread mentioned below.
One particularly aggressive poster, among many, at UK CF happens to be ?Tippexx?.
What can you say about such a thoughtful contribution :
Which from the test pages I?ve seen so far has the same artistic qualities as a 1950s edition of the Radio Times and support texts which read like they were put together by aChinese waiter*?. but as long as you?re willing to swear that the Emperor is wearing his clothes, you can have one.
He also posts on Cigar Aficionado?s forum ( Warning : ?enjoy? the comments and the language used by these ?ROTL? at your own risk)**:http://forums.cigaraficionado.com/ev...5/m/8237017542
?Tippexx? became involved in a discussion with another poster who exposed those racist and offensive comments and called him out as being the same ?athome? clown who provoked the deletion of the thread at FoH.
No coincidence and no mystery to me when both ?athome? and ?Tippexx? use not only the same signature on both forums but such idiomatic pearls liketrolly-boy*? he used it with me on FoH and again at the UK CF :
What I do object to however is the pre-launch braggadocio delivered by the*trolly-boy*that?s trying to convince me that something I haven?t seen is already a masterpiece of photography, print production and scholarship.
I?m a design professional, and so far the Hansel and Gretel furniture and the pdf test pages haven?t passed the Tippexx ?So what?? test.
Hopefully the real book pages will be cleaner, brighter and the layouts better put together and the support texts not written by someone fresh out of the*Benny Hill Chinese Menu School of English.
His reasons at Cigar Aficionado for being such a ROTL are worthy of a dirtbucket.
Not bad for a self-professed ?design professional?.
Chapeau, I thought such profanity died with the era of the sailing ships ?
Let me finish with the real joke of having a UK CF Moderator asking ( or rather : requesting it ? no please or thank you of course ) me for an invitation to purchase the II Edition ? he doesn?t have the balls to intervene there but has the cheek to ask me for the invite elsewhere. Well here?s my reply : Fuck off boy.
That?s it.
I am glad these intrigues by the ?ROTL? clowns are public and happy I can vent my frustration here on my blog.
Happy to leave that small, incestuous public cigar world for the larger and more comfortable personal world.
Some might think the above was the reason for it.
It wasn?t.
It is just a happy coincidence.