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Monte No5 & Upmann HC

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  • Monte No5 & Upmann HC

    I had a Montecristo No5 and a H. Upmann half corona this weekend whilst visiting my brother. He only smokes a couple of rollies a day and has only ever had a crappy hamlet before so he was keen to try a proper cuban. We were talking whilst smoking but each of these took about an hour to smoke, which was longer than I expected. I thought the Upmann was a lively light cigar which was quite sweet and very pleasurable to smoke. The Monte was much more complex and intense which was quite advanced for our inexperienced palates. It changed quite a lot as I smoked it but it was quite difficult to put my finger on the flavours. I tasted a lot of spice, maybe pepper in the 1/3, I think I tasted hints of chocolate and maybe coffee in 2/3 and vanilla in the final 3rd. There was another odd flavour that I'm not sure what it was but my brother described as 'xmas spices'. All in all I thought it was excellent and enjoyed trying to work out what I was tasting. I think I slightly preferred the Monte because of the flavours but my brother preferred the Upmann because he found the lightness more relaxing. I'll definitely have both of these again. Did anyone else have similar experiences with these cigars?
    Last edited by Sgt_Banter; 18-11-2013, 07:09 AM.

  • #2
    Two of my favourite cigars and I probably smoke more of these in the winter than anything else. If you are keen on this size may I also recommend the Rafael Gonzales Perla - just bought a five pack at Zurich airport and they are absolute little belters and amazingly priced.


    • #3
      Monte 5 over a Monte 4 for me. Not everyone agrees and definitely not everyone thinks I'm sane for saying that. But it's what it's. I do enjoy the petit Tubos though... I've always found them better for some weird reason. Will revisit one of these days with a Monte 4 along with petit tubes and seee what I'll find.

      the H Upp half corona has always been a small favourite of mine. opens up for other sticks because of the size along with the fact that it actually tastes bland... Like most H Upmanns. None more than the Epicure though! That's probably one of my favourite from that marca. Use it to open up or cleanse flavour from your palate or just as a calmer when itself

      These all are great smokes and wouldn't hesitate getting them at Havana prices. Also the Divinos, ERDM Demis, siglo I, and RA Club Coronas. Good Divinos and Demis, great price.

      Sent from my BlackBerry 9100 using Tapatalk
      Originally posted by ValeTudoGuy
      Marc's a Fat Molly
      Click here for a fun, relevant song!


      • #4
        I think the Montecristo No 4 is okay but I don't think its great; there are definitely other Petit Coronas I prefer. Unfortunately I've never tried the No. 5 but is likely to be part of the next purchase

        I do love the H. Upmann Half Corona though, but have to disagree with you Jeremy about it being bland, I found it packed full of flavour. It just takes longer to smoke than you would expect for such a small cigar


        • #5
          Originally posted by The Rodster View Post
          If you are keen on this size may I also recommend the Rafael Gonzales Perla - just bought a five pack at Zurich airport and they are absolute little belters and amazingly priced.
          I do really enjoy the perla sizes. I like the size and the feel of them and because they are smaller and cheaper I think they are excellent for trying different brands. And it took about 45-60 mins to smoke the last one so I got some decent smoking time out of it


          • #6
            Originally posted by butternutsquashpie View Post
            These all are great smokes and wouldn't hesitate getting them at Havana prices. Also the Divinos, ERDM Demis, siglo I, and RA Club Coronas. Good Divinos and Demis, great price.
            I have some of these on my 'hit list' already

