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Oh dear!

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  • Oh dear!

    Preiserh?hung f?r kubanische Zigarren! Zum 1. April 20113 werden die Preise vieler kubanischer Zigarren angehoben. Das wird aber voraussichtlich nur der erste Schritt sein. Heinrich Villiger informierte uns heute, dass zum 1.1.2014 mit einer deutlichen st?rkeren Preiserh?hung zu rechnen. Hintergrund ist das neue Zoll-Pr?ferenz-Schema, demzufolge Kuba neuerdings zu den L?ndern mit mittlerem bis h?herem Einkommen z?hlt und dadurch der Importsatz auf 27% steigt. Wir werden uns f?r unsere Kunden im Vorfeld deutlich st?rker eindecken, um m?glichst lang noch Zigarren zu alten Preisen verkaufen zu k?nnen ....

    It's from the Facebook Page of a German Retailer.

    Basically it's saying prices of Cuban cigars will rise to match the revision in the cost of importing products from Cuba effective April 2013.
    If you want to, you can.
    And, if you can, you must!

  • #2
    Is that an increase of 27% ?


    • #3
      Originally posted by baileyth View Post
      Is that an increase of 27% ?
      I hope not. I think it means that the cost to import has increased to 27% from whatever it is currently. As to what the current cost is we'd need to ask H&F.
      If you want to, you can.
      And, if you can, you must!


      • #4
        My translation would be..the 27% doesn't come into effect until the 1st Jan 2014...
        A significant rise is going to happen before then also.
        It's all part of the European Economic Reforms..basically stating that countries with a higher standard of living should pay more import duty....
        It's a load of Euro shite to shaft the man in the street...again
        Have a full referendum now...get out of Europe while the average person can still afford bread...Cameron & Co are just playing games with your lives...
        Rant over....for now...

