Do The Right Thing!
Of course, I won't dignify those so-called "remarks" with a response. 
But I'm reminded of a time when I was visiting one of my favorite spots in the word - Rosarito, MX - a few years back and I was joined by a lad that was proudly puffing on a clearly counterfeit stick and bragging about how little he paid. I saw no need to tell him about the fake puro he was puffing on, but quickly took off the ring after he left the remains in the ashtray.
On another occasion, I was gifted a "Cohiba Esplendidos" that also was a counterfeit. A few years later, I broke down and told him the stick was a fake, but I appreciated the gift, which is proudly displayed along with other counterfeits in don
TJ's massive unit.
In the end, I think you were wise not to say anything, though I suspect you were tempted to do so.
Perro, el Perro
Hey el P! Remember the Youtube video of the lass that had unknowingly received a box of counterfeits and was gushing about how great they were?
*starts about 23 minutes into the video.
Originally posted by tippexx
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Originally posted by tippexx
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But I'm reminded of a time when I was visiting one of my favorite spots in the word - Rosarito, MX - a few years back and I was joined by a lad that was proudly puffing on a clearly counterfeit stick and bragging about how little he paid. I saw no need to tell him about the fake puro he was puffing on, but quickly took off the ring after he left the remains in the ashtray.
On another occasion, I was gifted a "Cohiba Esplendidos" that also was a counterfeit. A few years later, I broke down and told him the stick was a fake, but I appreciated the gift, which is proudly displayed along with other counterfeits in don

In the end, I think you were wise not to say anything, though I suspect you were tempted to do so.

*starts about 23 minutes into the video.