I have come into possession of a sealed and beautifully kept box of Ramone Allonnes.
Being a newbie in the Cigar World, I would appreciate any information/clarification of exactly what these 25 little treasures have brought to my life!
I have scoured the net and studied countless box stamps and warranty seals, but I have been unsuccessful in dating them so far.
I have posted a few pics of the box, but do I need to add photos of actual cigars? (which means opening them!!)

Any ideas Please? Many thanks...
Being a newbie in the Cigar World, I would appreciate any information/clarification of exactly what these 25 little treasures have brought to my life!
I have scoured the net and studied countless box stamps and warranty seals, but I have been unsuccessful in dating them so far.
I have posted a few pics of the box, but do I need to add photos of actual cigars? (which means opening them!!)

Any ideas Please? Many thanks...