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FOH Review of Cohiba 1966

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  • FOH Review of Cohiba 1966

    A very positive review for these!

  • #2
    yeah, great review as usual!!! it's interesting to note that rob is raving about these and the 2011 limited edition ramon allones!!!


    • #3
      Trying the RA tonight. Would love a '66 but just too expensive at ?40 a stick


      • #4
        Good .... to mediocre .... to cardboard tasting shite. And that was the feedback from one UK BOTL Herf shared box.

        On the plus side, James Sucklin seemed to like the one he reviewed.
        If you want to, you can.
        And, if you can, you must!


        • #5
          The 66 tippexx?


          • #6
            'Fraid so. Total inconsistency across one box. Oddly US BOTL had forwarned about it .... and some humble-pie had to be eaten in consequence.
            If you want to, you can.
            And, if you can, you must!


            • #7
              Originally posted by tippexx View Post
              'Fraid so. Total inconsistency across one box. Oddly US BOTL had forwarned about it .... and some humble-pie had to be eaten in consequence.
              I was one of the guilty ones.

              Worst Cohiba EL EVER - by a long margin!!
              (And I've had em all)

              Only two out of the six or seven I sampled were passable (UK EMS) .
              Inconsistant quality control, some overfilled.. some underfilled.. but worst of all.. wildly different in flavour/taste.
              Unbalanced, harsh and grim.
              If these were the only cigars in the world.. I'd rather smoke NC's!!

              I know these need rest.. but I fear time isn't going to make a silk purse out of a sows ear.
              Cohiba should be ashamed.

              (As should a certain well known, shaggy-haired reviewer who raved about them... I wonder how much they paid him?)

              For the price they're charging for these, a bad stick is unacceptable.. a bad box however.. Unforgiveable!!
              (And to think I used to be a loyal Cohiba champion.. buying boxes before even trying them.. no longer)
              Originally posted by DRAGMASTER
              Every time I sleep with a girl I smoke a cigar while we do it. It's exciting and makes you feel strong, manly and empowered.


              • #8
                El Pussy, old bean. Need to pick you up on something there. "If these were the only cigars in the world" how the F*** would you smoke NC's?


                • #9
                  Wow - that bad!

                  Did you have access to several boxes, could you see/feel the good from the bad. I may well try one on Monday at Foxes.
                  Originally posted by Simon Bolivar
                  Little medical correction there Steve, you will surely die...but not from smoking these

                  Originally posted by Ryan
                  I think that's for lighting electronic cigarettes


                  • #10
                    Fecking hell. Staying well clear of these for the foreseeable future then. Will stick to the HdM 2011 ELs.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by monkey66 View Post
                      .... could you see/feel the good from the bad
                      Sorry Monk. Good from bad at 40 quid per shouldn't happen. And at best you could only judge the fill not the taste.
                      If you want to, you can.
                      And, if you can, you must!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Lionhound View Post
                        El Pussy, old bean. Need to pick you up on something there. "If these were the only cigars in the world" how the F*** would you smoke NC's?
                        'Cos I would send him a shitload Rab ... dog rockets mostly, but he knows that!
                        If you want to, you can.
                        And, if you can, you must!


                        • #13
                          I've tried one and it was pretty good IMO. Sure it showed a little youth but EL or not its pretty young still. Mine was very rich and flavourful. Ive only had one and maybe ive been lucky but I think these will get better and have the potential to be a classic. I'll prob get a box and put away for 3-5 years
                          Last edited by mb55317; 02-12-2011, 03:34 PM.


                          • #14
                            Bonkers isn't it?

                            Getting the chance to carry out 'side-by-side' reviews of half a dozen sticks.. from the same box.. at the same time.. was unusal I know, but really highlighted (for me anyhow) the QC failings (and other inconsistencies) that seem to be afflicting this cigar.

                            (From the online reviews so far)
                            They appear to be either.. really great (though none I tried were) .. or crap.. with little in-between.
                            Rather like the 2001 piramedes
                            , now that I come to think of it.
                            (Although, thankfully, none of these were as badly 'plugged')

                            Too much of a gamble for me to lay down a box (especially for the price), but for those lucky bug***s who get one of the good ones... ENJOY!

                            I wish I knew what I was missing.

                            Originally posted by Lionhound View Post
                            El Pussy, old bean. Need to pick you up on something there. "If these were the only cigars in the world" how the F*** would you smoke NC's?
                            You're quite right Rabster old boy (Damn it!).
                            I should've been clearer.. What I meant to say was: 'If these were the only Cuban cigars in the world'.. etc, etc.

                            Whisper it quietly.. but I had a four dollar NC that night that I prefered more than the 66.
                            (Yes.. it really was that bad!)

                            However.. if Partagas ever goes 'bust'.. I'll be giving up smoking.
                            Last edited by El Catador; 02-12-2011, 05:44 PM. Reason: Just like Tony Blair.. I enjoy re-writing history!
                            Originally posted by DRAGMASTER
                            Every time I sleep with a girl I smoke a cigar while we do it. It's exciting and makes you feel strong, manly and empowered.


                            • #15
                              "On the plus side, James Sucklin seemed to like the one he reviewed. "

                              James Sucklin loves offence, I am actually a fan of him, but have you ever hear a bad review of wine / cigar from him?

                              Perhaps it is the fact that if somethign is bad, he simply doesn't score it, but..then, when something is bad, as a critic, shouldn't it be more important to let consumer know?

                              for the 1966 to taste wonderful, is kind of expected, or 'required' with the flipping price tag they put on it. For me, it got to taste as good as the BHK56 at a minimium or waht's the point?
                              My cigar blog

