Well, inspired by Panto's recent Madrid trip thread and his excellent pictures, I thought I'd share a couple of pictures with you guy's (if your interested) of my recent honeymoon to Las Vegas and Hawaii along with the few smokes I managed to pick up.
First up was Vegas. For anyone who hasn't been it's a must at least once in your lifetime, although for me 4 nights / 5 days was plenty, but I'd definately go back sometime in the future. On the cigar front, the number one place to visit on the strip is Casa Fuene in the Forum Shops within Ceasar's Palace, some pictures of which are below (hopefully)
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Casa Fuente is a great place to smoke a cigar and pass an hour or two, especially if the wife is shopping
. The staff are very friendly and helpful, and there is a great selection of humidors and cigar accessories, as well as cocktails and beers, plus the waitresses are unbelievably HOT (not that I was looking of course
But on the downside, it is quite expensive - example, I bought an Ashton VSG which cost me $25 and got the exact same cigar a couple of days later in Hawaii for $13!
The Ashton VSG was my first and after having read countless positive reviews on different cigar websites and magazines about the brand, I have to say I was extremely disappointed. Don't know whether my particular cigar was plugged or rolled too tightly, but I was sucking on that bad boy for all my worth and not really getting anywhere, which might explain why the bloody thing wouldn't stay lit!
I eventually gave up and puchased an Opus X Petit Lancero which was EXCELLENT and I highly recommend (although another $25 cigar!!) But saying that if I was to come across them anywhere I definately think I'd pick up a couple.
Didn't buy any cigars in Vegas, just a lovely two fingered Fuente black leather cigar case for only $49 which I took a shine to. Vegas as a whole is a wonderful place for cigar smoking as you can smoke within all the casino's (I'm assuming becasue you could within the Bellagio and Ceasar's Palace) as well as within the bars etc etc.
Next was onto Hawaii - Paradise!!! The main (cigar) aim of the whole trip was to pick up some cigars from the several brands owned by Pete Johnson, especially the Tatuaje range.
I had a number of cigar stores in mind to try and visit in Wakikki / Honolulu and had heard good reports about one called South Pacific Cigars. So after dragging the wife around several streets for a good half hour we eventually found it. To my disappoint the owners were playing a little fast and loose with the term "Cigar Store" to describe their establishment, more like a pipe shop with half a dozen half empty boxes of non-cubans, off which the brands I had never heard.
However, within the shop were several guys relaxing and enjoying a smoke. One of the guys was called Marvin Chang, the manager of an up market gourmet food and wine store called R. Field & Co, which also happened to be on my "to visit list".
Unbelieveably, Marvin VERY kindly offered to run me and Tracey to his store so I could see what he had on offer, which was just as well because I would never have found it (it's located within a residential area).
Marvin's selection was unbelievable, especially considering the shop was an up scale grocery store. Marvin was only too happy to answer any questions about his selection that I may have had and was happy to let me have all the time I needed to make my choices.
Should anyone ever get the chance to visit Hawaii put his store down as a must see, even if it's the only one you get to visit (although be sure to get a taxi there - it'll save you wondering around lost for hours looking for it). Marvin was also kind enough to knock 10% off the total purchase.
Above are some pictures of my choices:- a box of Tatuaje Nollas, an Ashton VSG, 3 El Triunfador Lanceros, a Tatuaje Cojonu 2009, a Tatuaje Reserva J21, an Illusion cg:4, an Illusion 68 and a La Riqueza which Marvin through in for free to try and which he thinks will be another top brand from Pete Johnson.
Surprisingly, well for me anyway, there was absolutely no cigars to purchase at Gatwick, Las Vegas, Honalulu or LA airports, but all in all a great trip.
First up was Vegas. For anyone who hasn't been it's a must at least once in your lifetime, although for me 4 nights / 5 days was plenty, but I'd definately go back sometime in the future. On the cigar front, the number one place to visit on the strip is Casa Fuene in the Forum Shops within Ceasar's Palace, some pictures of which are below (hopefully)
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Casa Fuente is a great place to smoke a cigar and pass an hour or two, especially if the wife is shopping

But on the downside, it is quite expensive - example, I bought an Ashton VSG which cost me $25 and got the exact same cigar a couple of days later in Hawaii for $13!
The Ashton VSG was my first and after having read countless positive reviews on different cigar websites and magazines about the brand, I have to say I was extremely disappointed. Don't know whether my particular cigar was plugged or rolled too tightly, but I was sucking on that bad boy for all my worth and not really getting anywhere, which might explain why the bloody thing wouldn't stay lit!
I eventually gave up and puchased an Opus X Petit Lancero which was EXCELLENT and I highly recommend (although another $25 cigar!!) But saying that if I was to come across them anywhere I definately think I'd pick up a couple.
Didn't buy any cigars in Vegas, just a lovely two fingered Fuente black leather cigar case for only $49 which I took a shine to. Vegas as a whole is a wonderful place for cigar smoking as you can smoke within all the casino's (I'm assuming becasue you could within the Bellagio and Ceasar's Palace) as well as within the bars etc etc.
Next was onto Hawaii - Paradise!!! The main (cigar) aim of the whole trip was to pick up some cigars from the several brands owned by Pete Johnson, especially the Tatuaje range.
I had a number of cigar stores in mind to try and visit in Wakikki / Honolulu and had heard good reports about one called South Pacific Cigars. So after dragging the wife around several streets for a good half hour we eventually found it. To my disappoint the owners were playing a little fast and loose with the term "Cigar Store" to describe their establishment, more like a pipe shop with half a dozen half empty boxes of non-cubans, off which the brands I had never heard.
However, within the shop were several guys relaxing and enjoying a smoke. One of the guys was called Marvin Chang, the manager of an up market gourmet food and wine store called R. Field & Co, which also happened to be on my "to visit list".
Unbelieveably, Marvin VERY kindly offered to run me and Tracey to his store so I could see what he had on offer, which was just as well because I would never have found it (it's located within a residential area).
Marvin's selection was unbelievable, especially considering the shop was an up scale grocery store. Marvin was only too happy to answer any questions about his selection that I may have had and was happy to let me have all the time I needed to make my choices.
Should anyone ever get the chance to visit Hawaii put his store down as a must see, even if it's the only one you get to visit (although be sure to get a taxi there - it'll save you wondering around lost for hours looking for it). Marvin was also kind enough to knock 10% off the total purchase.
Above are some pictures of my choices:- a box of Tatuaje Nollas, an Ashton VSG, 3 El Triunfador Lanceros, a Tatuaje Cojonu 2009, a Tatuaje Reserva J21, an Illusion cg:4, an Illusion 68 and a La Riqueza which Marvin through in for free to try and which he thinks will be another top brand from Pete Johnson.
Surprisingly, well for me anyway, there was absolutely no cigars to purchase at Gatwick, Las Vegas, Honalulu or LA airports, but all in all a great trip.