Dear All,
Beyond the considerable info which is already on here in regards cigar shops in Cuba, I wanted to put in a last minute request to see if any of you folks have any up to date suggestions on well stocked cigar shops - particularly for some of the more limited sticks. I'm off out there on Monday, several days in Havana at the beginning and end but rest of the few weeks to be spent south west of Havana, passing through Pinar del Rio and on to Bahia de Corrientes, then back via areas lining the Gulf of Batabano region - then east over to Cayo Coco area but probably no further down than Camaguey.
I'm assuming the best may be around the Havana area - I've got a fair list already from some searching around (thanks all), but I would appreciate any tip-offs ;-) - certainly there will be opportunities for a few detours along the way to any lesser known shops in different areas.
Just briefly - I also wondered if any of you have experience of coming back with beyond the 50 allowance and how it worked out after tax and overall cost wise once all cleared through customs (do they weigh in the box)? Checking out recent price lists there, it looks like I might as well make the most of it.
Beyond the considerable info which is already on here in regards cigar shops in Cuba, I wanted to put in a last minute request to see if any of you folks have any up to date suggestions on well stocked cigar shops - particularly for some of the more limited sticks. I'm off out there on Monday, several days in Havana at the beginning and end but rest of the few weeks to be spent south west of Havana, passing through Pinar del Rio and on to Bahia de Corrientes, then back via areas lining the Gulf of Batabano region - then east over to Cayo Coco area but probably no further down than Camaguey.
I'm assuming the best may be around the Havana area - I've got a fair list already from some searching around (thanks all), but I would appreciate any tip-offs ;-) - certainly there will be opportunities for a few detours along the way to any lesser known shops in different areas.
Just briefly - I also wondered if any of you have experience of coming back with beyond the 50 allowance and how it worked out after tax and overall cost wise once all cleared through customs (do they weigh in the box)? Checking out recent price lists there, it looks like I might as well make the most of it.