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Tying the knot

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  • Tying the knot

    Can any of the members that have been to cuba on holiday recommend a good place
    to stay for scenary and buying cigars.
    Got a friend that's decided to get married and go on honeymoon there, like us he's into cigars big time.

  • #2
    It all depends on what they're looking for, personally I'd recommend a multi centre holiday. In my opinion Havana is a must, I love it, it's vibrant and full of life loads to do and see. Vinales has beautiful scenery and countryside and is well worth spending at couple of days there and lastly varadero is a great beach resoort. Although personally I couldn't spent more than 5-6 days there as there is not much to do other than the beach. Although a trip to swim with the dolphins is fun and better value than elseware.

    Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk


    • #3
      Thanks jerry I'm sure there are other places that members have been to
      that way he can pick and choose where he would like to stay.


      • #4
        I would add Varadero as a beach resort, it's only an hour / hour & half from Havana.
        We have done it & an overnight tour of Havana, which included Tropicana.


        • #5
          Thanks wayne will pass on the resorts members have been to themselves.


          • #6
            A buddy of mine was there a couple of years ago and absolutely loved Havana and highly recommended Varadero for a bit of R&R after the frenetic week in Havana.
            It's not the arrow, it's the Indian !


            • #7
              Havana ??? For honeymoon ... Melia Havana .

              vara ??? For honeymoon ... Marina palace .

              myself ... Comodoro in Havana .

              tourists bring home souvenirs ... explorers bring home stories .


              • #8
                A two stop is always a good idea! Last time I was in Cuba I stayed a week in the National (top half of the Hotel has been re-done and best) and spent a week in the Melia Buenvista, which is very good in Cayo Santa Maria, a world heritage coastal site great for snorkelling.


                • #9
                  A link...


                  • #10
                    Thanks lads will leave it till the weekend before passing on these replies, he can then choose .


                    • #11
                      I just got back from Holguin... You can get there from Havana and like the others said about beach resorts, that is all that is there... But, and it's a big butt... You are in the real Cuba, the beaches are all public, the people live opposite and there are many things to do away from resorts! That said, it's not by any means cigar heaven, as it's not Havana but where I bought my stock from was incredible and had enough choice for me to spend 2 x 1.5 hour trips deciding... There is a factory and several pesos cigar factories! Worth a thought...

                      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

