While ties are increasingly looking very good, this is well worth a read!
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13 Horrifying Ideas America Had For Invading Cuba
I think people greatly misunderstand the role of government and believe it is there for them, not the other way round. People more and more grow up with a sense of entitlement and that the are owed something.
Governments and governance is know different to people and human nature. All humans are inherently selfish and thats what keep human life in existence. People like to think they are selfless because it gets them through the day but you give me one example of a truly selfless act, its not possible.
Governments are there to control the people, not help the people, its just sometimes a happy bi product. The genius of a our royal family is that they realised that other royal familys failed because they didnt have scape goats, a protective layer [democratic government] that shields them from the masses wrath. Now, if the people rise up its against a government not the royals and the government can simply be changed.
In reality though, nothing changes much as the governments are run mostly by the money and power of the world, the banking families, corporations, old money etc etc....
This isnt me complaining either, I think it should be like this, it has to be like this, its just human nature.
Off on a tangent i know. lol.
And not related to Cuba but then there's the Manuel Noriega debacle..... And the CIA, BCCI and Bin Laden debacle....
Both interestingly enough involve George Bush Snr as head of the CIA and or President.... They also involve the trafficking / dissapearence of billions of dollars...... The death of hundreds / thousands and ties to terrorists and seriously organised criminal organisations.
Oh and the fact that they used a technology they neither created or earned (Nuclear Bomb) and used it not once but TWICE!!!!
I mean cmon..... The only reason they used it a second time is pure malice.Licky Licky before Sticky Sticky. - Puff Scotty 22/03/14
Originally posted by PeeJayI get longing looks from guys walking past
Originally posted by butternutsquashpieA purge follows a rapid puffing session.
Not very good ideas and the product of fears really. Communism as the big bogey man.
The problem the USA had, and if read some of the article replies, possibly still has, is that the Cuban Revolution was in the main popular with the people, and that after 50 odd years Castro is still more popular than Batista ever was. The Caribbean and the Americas are the USA's backyard and the possibility of a spread of 'popular' Communism must have terrified them. Militarily Cuba offers no threat, economically Cuba offers no threat, but Cuban style Communism does. The Embargo is a quarantine designed to ensure that Cuba remains poor and her social ideas and accomplishments (yes, accomplishments, Cuban healthcare and Education are almost on-par with the USA) don't spread.
When we think about the USA in political terms we think Democrats and Republicans. What we fail to understand is that both parties are far more right leaning than any in the UK. OK, unlike Cuba we vote for our politicians, but from a US perspective our Labour Party isn't far removed from Communism. Which is probably why the USA chooses to prop up and arm right-wing despots and banana republic dictators rather than support anyone wanting to improve the social lot of their people.If you want to, you can.
And, if you can, you must!
Originally posted by Motormadj View PostThis isnt me complaining either, I think it should be like this, it has to be like this, its just human nature.If you want to, you can.
And, if you can, you must!
Originally posted by Motormadj View PostThe whole Isis thing at the moment is very suspect as well.If you want to, you can.
And, if you can, you must!
Originally posted by tippexx View PostNo I disagree, it isn't as it should be, it is as it is. And no, it isn't totally human nature, greed, bullying and selfishness are aspects of human nature that are more strongly developed, taught or ingrained in some than in others.
If you tuned up to your childs school and it was on fire and you found 2 children that were equally easy/hard to save. One was your child, the other a stranger.... who would you save?
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