Down With CrapaTalk!
Here's another suggestion for all you yongsters out there...and oldsters, alike.
To turly appreciate the forum's fine art, such as Coro posts, crappy as they may be, you must...I repeat, YOU MUST view the forum on something other than CrapaTalk! Otherwise, you can't see most of the the well placed emoticons or the pithy subject lines. What do the Coros use on their mexicant tablets and smart phones? Why Mercury, of course. Google it!
I only use CrapaTalk to post pictures, but that's just me.
Perro, el Perro
Originally posted by Wigan
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To turly appreciate the forum's fine art, such as Coro posts, crappy as they may be, you must...I repeat, YOU MUST view the forum on something other than CrapaTalk! Otherwise, you can't see most of the the well placed emoticons or the pithy subject lines. What do the Coros use on their mexicant tablets and smart phones? Why Mercury, of course. Google it!
I only use CrapaTalk to post pictures, but that's just me.
