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Honeymoon in Cuba

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  • Honeymoon in Cuba

    A little excited, I just pulled the trigger on our honeymoon, 4 nights in Havana at the Palacio Del Marques De San Felipe Y Santiago De Bejucal Hotel then ten nights at Paradisus Vadero Resort and Spa. Other than the obvious (Nationale Hotel, Bueno Vista Social Club) does anyone have any tips for things to do/see/avoid?

    Also does anyone know what the domestic cigar prices are like? I'll be freezing whatever I pick up, well wrapped, as soon as I get home after seeing those little buggers.

  • #2
    The flea market is quite good for locally made humidors and cigar related tee shirts
    'Cigars are a hobby, cigarettes an addiction'


    • #3
      There's a cigar shop at the Paradisus for singles while you're there, and a couple of La Casa's in Varadero if you fail to pick up your allowance in Havana!

      Can't tell you exactly what the prices are, usually a list on the t'internet somewhere...


      • #4
        If you do go into the Hotel Nacional de Cuba, walk through the hotel, out into the gardens & there are 2 bars on the terrace overlooking the ocean. The drinks prices are reasonable - 3.5 cuc's for Mojito . It's a great spot to sit, drink & enjoy a cigar or 2

        I have got a copy of this yr's list of prices that I could take pics on my phone & post on here, if it's ok with the mods?


        • #5
          Originally posted by EdBlackadder View Post
          A little excited, I just pulled the trigger on our honeymoon, 4 nights in Havana at the Palacio Del Marques De San Felipe Y Santiago De Bejucal Hotel then ten nights at Paradisus Vadero Resort and Spa. Other than the obvious (Nationale Hotel, Bueno Vista Social Club) does anyone have any tips for things to do/see/avoid?

          Also does anyone know what the domestic cigar prices are like? I'll be freezing whatever I pick up, well wrapped, as soon as I get home after seeing those little buggers.
          Congratulations on your forthcoming wedding and the trip sounds amazing.

          Can't give you any suggestions iv never been lol one day I hope [emoji5]️


          • #6
            Cu?nto cuesta?

            Originally posted by wayne_w View Post
            I have got a copy of this yr's list of prices that I could take pics on my phone & post on here, if it's ok with the mods?
            I see no problem with that, Amigo.

            Boy, Bag Boy
            Last edited by TJCoro; 10-10-2014, 01:52 PM.
            sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros


            • #7
              Cheers for the tips guys, that's the sort of local info I was hoping for. The Nationale ocean bar sounds great!


              • #8
                Originally posted by wayne_w View Post
                If you do go into the Hotel Nacional de Cuba, walk through the hotel, out into the gardens & there are 2 bars on the terrace overlooking the ocean. The drinks prices are reasonable - 3.5 cuc's for Mojito . It's a great spot to sit, drink & enjoy a cigar or 2

                I have got a copy of this yr's list of prices that I could take pics on my phone & post on here, if it's ok with the mods?
                the list would be helpful Wayne , im going November ....thanks for the info in advance
                MAKE MINE A CUBAN


                • #9
                  I have downloaded this list via the website that is recommended on Trip Advisor, I have no affiliation to the site nor it's owners.
                  I would like to think that it's fairly accurate, I went to Cuba in June of this yr & from what I remember, the prices do look about right.
                  The colour coding is as follows: Black is verified 2014, Red is verified 2013 & green is unverified.

                  Pic 1.jpgPic 2.jpgPic 3.jpgPic 4.jpgPic 5.jpgPic 6.jpgPic 7.jpg

                  As we know, the Cuban CUC is pretty much linked to the American Dollar for comparison reasons, a bit ironic really!!



                  • #10
                    Cheers man! Just checked and its about 62p to the CUC at the moment.


                    • #11
                      though since the CUC looks to disappear at any time it will make it harder to work out what you should be paying so be careful as all prices should be the same.


                      • #12
                        As I recall they were even the same price at the airport which must be a first
                        'Cigars are a hobby, cigarettes an addiction'


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by rascal View Post
                          though since the CUC looks to disappear at any time it will make it harder to work out what you should be paying so be careful as all prices should be the same.
                          'Cigars are a hobby, cigarettes an addiction'


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by PeeJay View Post
                            Yip, gone, no more

                            It is a secondary currency just for tourists so everyone will be using the cuban peso. But when it actually happens is anyone's guess.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by rascal View Post
                              Yip, gone, no more

                              It is a secondary currency just for tourists so everyone will be using the cuban peso. But when it actually happens is anyone's guess.
                              I knew it was a secondary currency for tourists but I thought you had heard it was on the way out soon. I've still got a few in my drawer actually.
                              'Cigars are a hobby, cigarettes an addiction'

