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Cigars in Cyprus

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  • Cigars in Cyprus

    Good evening chaps!

    I'm off to Cyprus to get hitched at the end of next month, has anyone bought cigars from here before?

    We're staying in Paphos, and I know there's a La Casa shop there which I will definitely be paying a visit to. Is it worth taking some with me or not?

    It's a shame I won't have any kind of humi set up waiting for me back home, so I can only bring back a humi-pouch worth!

  • #2
    Set up a tupperdore, you can store your box's in that its very cheap to do and very effective and you can use cat litter to humidify the whole thing. Ive had one on the go for about a month now and its working a treat.
    "A good Cuban cigar closes the door to the vulgarities of the world".


    • #3
      If I'm honest a pouch should be more than sufficient, I'm trying my best to remain an occasional smoker, but would be silly to waste the opportunity to buy some while I'm there.

      I was planning on taking a handful out with me, but I might just buy some out there. Some might even last long enough to make it back :-P


      • #4
        Originally posted by KidKimura View Post
        I was planning on taking a handful out with me,
        You must be joking! Cyprus is one of the cigar heaven in Europe. There are 4 LCDHs on the island, the prices are very attractive (about 20% lower than french price, then extremely interesting compared to UK prices), you usually get a 10% discount for each full box, etc.
        But buy EXCLUSIVELY from the LCDH and the duty free shop, avoid the newspaper kiosks and the tourists traps?

        With a bit of luck you might find some Regional Editions for Lebanon and Greece?


        • #5
          Exactly what I was hoping to hear! I'm even more excited now!


          • #6
            i have brought a few time from the limassol LCDH and from the airport good prices, quality cigars nice people,fill your boots


            • #7
              I'm pretty much stating just in Paphos for the first week, then when the guests are all gone we're staying in Aphrodite Hills for a week and travelling around a bit, so may well pay a visit to a few of the stores.

              I think my status as an occasional smoker may be in serious jeopardy!


              • #8
                I'm glad i spotted this, I'm going to Larnaca for five days in September. I don't plan on getting much cause I'm not bringing holding luggage, just the maximum size of hand luggage. Any good places to pick up a few decent sticks in that area?


                • #9
                  nothing in Larnica that i can think off, both Nicosia and Limassol about 45 min in a car or on your way home at the airport


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Nightwingvyse View Post
                    Any good places to pick up a few decent sticks in that area?
                    There is a LCDH at the Larnaca airport.



                    • #11

                      I'm off to Portaeus this year, anywhere good to buy cigars there?


                      • #12
                        be careful, with the banking restrictions etc. tourists will stand out as having spending money. is that place the north or south?
                        The new charity auction:


                        • #13
                          I'm in the north this summer so I may be able to visit one of the LCDH's if I can get a spare day


                          • #14
                            the north should be ok i imagine. I didn't see any cigars there I'm afraid though.
                            The new charity auction:


                            • #15
                              No there's just one small cigar shop in Nicosia who don't look after their cigars very well but they have a good climate for cigars. There's a few newsagents that stock CAO cigars as its owned by a turkish chap though and they're dirt cheap. It's pretty easy to get to the south though you can just drive over

