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Holiday smokes

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  • Holiday smokes

    Evening guys, as I've said I'm off to Spain a week tomorrow and it has been hitting 40 degrees and above more days than not. I am planning on taking some smokes away with me but I was wondering how heat affects you when you smoke (I believe it makes everything seem stronger). This is my first holiday I have been on since I started smoking a year ago so please forgive my silly questions. So would you recommend taking cigars that aren't so strong or perhaps some smaller cigars? Or is it not really an issue?

    Any advice will be great
    A cigar is not measured by its cost - It is measured by how much it burns your fingers

  • #2
    Only things i'd recommended are to eat plenty, drink plenty of fluids and relax buddy. If it's too hot, you probably won't fancy smoking anyway.


    • #3
      +1 Try smaller smokes, if hot. Personally I love smoking in the heat.
      Simon Bolivar: Liberator of Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru & Venezuela.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Simon Bolivar View Post
        +1 Try smaller smokes, if hot. Personally I love smoking in the heat.
        It seems so right doesn't it, lighting up in the sun and heat!


        • #5
          I personally don't like to smoke when it's hot outside(90+F). I think it makes the smoke from any cigar bitter.


          • #6
            Originally posted by smokem View Post
            I personally don't like to smoke when it's hot outside(90+F). I think it makes the smoke from any cigar bitter.
            Not a hope in hell of that this summer so were ok to smoke but somewhere covered until it stops raining. !!


            • #7
              Originally posted by PoohBore View Post
              Not a hope in hell of that this summer so were ok to smoke but somewhere covered until it stops raining. !!
              We haven't had a day below 80F in more then a week, and a few well over 90+ Looks like the mid states have had temps well over 100+ for over a week, and there is no change in sight. We'll be back in the 90's by Friday. Till then it looks like nice cool 80's

