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Are Cigar smokers Agoraphobic?

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  • Are Cigar smokers Agoraphobic?

    Its an interesting thought that crossed my mind during the Big Smoke ... are cigar smokers Agoraphobic?Are they afraid to travel or gather in large groups? Reluctant to leave the confines of the shed, conservatory or man cave?Here's the wiki definition:

    (from Greek ἀγορά, "marketplace"; and φόβος/φοβία, -phobia) is an anxiety disorder characterized by anxiety in situations where it is perceived to be difficult or embarrassing to escape. These situations can include, but are not limited to, wide-open spaces, and uncontrollable social situations such as may be met in shopping malls, pubs and on bridges. Agoraphobia is defined within the DSM-IV TR as a subset of panic disorder, involving the fear of incurring a panic attack in those environments.[1] The sufferer may go to great lengths to avoid those situations, in severe cases becoming unable to leave their home or safe haven.

    What do you guys think?

  • #2
    Just because we smoke cigars doesn't mean we're affraid of spiders
    A cigar is not measured by its cost - It is measured by how much it burns your fingers


    • #3
      I don't think so. I'd say that we feel a bit embarrassed in dong it in public, esp as some of us are younger then the stereotype. I'd also propose that the demographic of cigar smokers makes us busy people who may struggle to fit in formal get togethers.

      Both of these may be completely wrong as I hate statistics and sociology.

      That said I have no probs smoking at a herf when I get the chance to get to one.
      The new charity auction:


      • #4
        Unfortunately, it seems that there is a lot of derision of cigar smoking nowadays. Myself and Simon (Griffiths) were once enjoying a smoke at an outside coffee bar in Plymouth, somewhere we had smoked many times before, when we were very rudely told to put the cigars out. We got a refund and had a stroll down to our regular herfing spot, where they have an enlightened view of smoking.

        So I think it's less that cigar smokers are agoraphobic, more that society seems to not like us as much as they used to... That and I'm sure we all lead busy lives and tend to spend quite a chunk of our income on buying cigars, which, for some of use means there's little funds left for travelling to a herf.

        Sent from my Fruity Fondlslab using Tapatalk HD
        "What is a cloud? It's water vapour."
        Larry Ellison


        • #5
          Could it be stogie envy?
          I did attend on Monday and smoked what I brought but I did notice that mine weren't as big as other peoples.
          At least when I do it at home I don't notice that.


          • #6
            Keith maybe they are just boring b........ds


            • #7
              Utter testicles.

              I smoke on my own 95% of the time because I have nobody to herf with, or it's not convenient to herf with somebody.

              Nothing would give me greater pleasure than being able to go back into the pub and smoke like I used to.


              • #8
                It's a very good question and an interesting debate.I've only ever smoked with others once and that was recently,at my house,with Sludgie and bfg84.I really enjoyed the company,the shared enjoyment of cigars and the opportunity to discuss the same.I've never yet smoked a cigar in a public place so I can only surmise but,being honest,I think I would feel very self-conscious for two reasons.The first is that,given the current and seemingly growing social view on tobacco in general,I'd assume that a lot of people would be feeling hate in my direction.The second is that I'd worry slightly that I'd be seen as trying to be a bit flash.Now that I've looked inwards and written these things down I find it quite sad that I feel this way but I'm going to stick with honesty and post it nevertheless.Yes,it's a very interesting debate indeed!
                "The most futile and disastrous day seems well spent when it is reviewed through the blue, fragrant smoke of a Havana cigar."

                Evelyn Waugh


                • #9
                  Nothing really to add other than a brilliant Tony Coward joke:

                  Hello, I'm Tony Coward, I come from a long line of Cowards. I've only ever won one fight in my life. It was with a agoraphobic; I said "Let's take this outside." He literally shat himself.

                  My cigar review blog: The Cigar Monologues (Twitter / Facebook)
                  My Company:
                  Siparium Sporting


                  • #10
                    Well I feel happy really smoking where ever, never been asked to put it out or anything of the sort though it would not do them any good, I do draw the line at travelling long distances to enjoy a smoke though. I do like the look of the Prince and if you move 300 miles up north I would be a regular


                    • #11
                      I would have loved to have gone to this, but alas I've had too much to do and I couldn't really afford travel all the way from Kent + the price of a ticket + drinks + a hotel for the night. Did you not have a good turnout?
                      If you want a midget to look like a baby, don't put a cigar in his mouth.


                      • #12
                        I agree with Crusse. Also, I smoke alone most of the time as many of my friends are ignorant ciggie smokers or flinch and run at the sight of any tobacco related product. I even go alone to the pub and sit outside with a pint and stogie with no hassle or odd looks, touch wood!

                        iExplore on my Tappytalk part duex


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by L_DOG View Post
                          I even go alone to the pub and sit outside with a pint and stogie with no hassle or odd looks, touch wood!
                          Sounds like the life


                          • #14
                            Heh! I do tend to make myself look busy with my phone or laptop though I suppose!

                            iExplore on my Tappytalk part duex


                            • #15
                              Me too! When it's a sunny evening I often sit on the terrace outside my local with my laptop or a good book, a nice Cuban and a pint. It's the perfect way to relax after a long day.
                              If you want a midget to look like a baby, don't put a cigar in his mouth.

