40% off r&j boxes of 25 at the moment. These deals come around once in a while. Often on montes too. Took a risk on an 06 box on conosieur 4 and a safe-ish punt on 08 churchills.
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Heathrow T5
I've bought cigars from World of Whiskies at T5 quite a few times in the past and the guys working there are great. However a word of advice....I have seen cigar/wood mites (not beetles) on some of their boxed cigars while inspecting to buy.
The guy was actually impressed with my eyesight as these buggers are actually very small and difficult to see. Totally harmless to your cigars but then again why have them in your humi...
I believe that this must have been dealt with since then (August 2009) but you don't have to lose anything by doing a bit of inspection before you buy!
I think it's only on for another week. They did tell me, but I'll be honest the proper date slips my mind.
I had a quick run over the boxes, but with my eyesight there could be a small colony of beavers in there and I wouldn't see them.
The conosieurs are already in the humidor as I was home for a day in the middle of the week and I picked up the churchills yesterday. So they'll be in the humi tomorrow afternoon.
I came through T5 a couple of days ago and they currently have some of the Santa Damiana range with up to 50% off. They had a box of 10 Exclusive Robustos for ?50 which I thought was really good value. The cigars looked in really nice condition as well."Keep your eyes peeled, your arse up, head down, and your ear to the gound" WHISKY77
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