Today was a rather momentous one, Mrs Bolivar & I paid of our Mortgage 3yrs early. This was with help of an Endowment that I took out in '85, when they still seemed like a good idea
. It was due to pay back 42K, they reckoned it would pay dble but it actually scrapped in at 23K.

To celibrate I looked into the Cavern & took out a Cohiba DC. I had been waiting for a suitable occasion to smoke my first one, from a batch brought from Farhad on the old C.H. site.
I went down to the cafe & ordered a coffee, whisky & water. Taking the DC from the Coffin I had popped it in for the journey & punched it.
The pre-draw was perfect & promising. Lit lit easily with my Colibri & the first few puffs the taste was not as notable as the aroma, which was a rich Cohiba twang.
Within half an inch the flavour started to come through. I have heard of some disappointment with the flav of the DC but not for me. Although the flav didn't change that much beside getting stronger as the cigar got shorter until the last 2", when it went a bit flat but not bitter.
The first ash came off at a full 2 1/", the burn was not so good & required frequent touch up's, although I only had to re-light once, when I had been talking to a friend & dropped my concentration. The burn I put down to recent humidity problems (bit low), not the cigars fault.
I would have smoked it to the last inch but it went out at 2" & as a re-light at that stage would have been rather bitter, I put it down.
So a couple of coffees & dble whiskys gave perfect accompanment to this fine smoke. I would certianly recomend trying one out if you have the chance or have stashed one or two away a few yrs ago when they were available.

To celibrate I looked into the Cavern & took out a Cohiba DC. I had been waiting for a suitable occasion to smoke my first one, from a batch brought from Farhad on the old C.H. site.
I went down to the cafe & ordered a coffee, whisky & water. Taking the DC from the Coffin I had popped it in for the journey & punched it.
The pre-draw was perfect & promising. Lit lit easily with my Colibri & the first few puffs the taste was not as notable as the aroma, which was a rich Cohiba twang.
Within half an inch the flavour started to come through. I have heard of some disappointment with the flav of the DC but not for me. Although the flav didn't change that much beside getting stronger as the cigar got shorter until the last 2", when it went a bit flat but not bitter.
The first ash came off at a full 2 1/", the burn was not so good & required frequent touch up's, although I only had to re-light once, when I had been talking to a friend & dropped my concentration. The burn I put down to recent humidity problems (bit low), not the cigars fault.
I would have smoked it to the last inch but it went out at 2" & as a re-light at that stage would have been rather bitter, I put it down.
So a couple of coffees & dble whiskys gave perfect accompanment to this fine smoke. I would certianly recomend trying one out if you have the chance or have stashed one or two away a few yrs ago when they were available.
