Ok this cigar was very generously gifted to me by Lee Nub and the G-Man asked for a review.

So I thought id do an Eggie review rather than a proper review as its purely an egg-opinion..

Mike said have this in the morning with a coffee, so I dusted down my perculator and filled it with some Cubita and promptly tipped it away, nasty stuff and out came good old Nescafe gold blend..

Snipped off the end of the torp and lit her up using my triple yet lighter that cost me a fortune from cgars limited which of late has been playing up spluttering and belching. As a result of the spluttering of the lighter gave this cigar an uneven burn despite turning it and rolling the flame as I lit it.

The burn very quickly evened out with smoking and turning as I was puffing, this was my very last cigar until I buy more and so I took my time, taking in gentle yet deep draws each time, holding the flavour on my taste buds before exhaling the smoke though my nose and mouth concurrently.

This cigar has surprised me and because I was asked to review it I deliberately left it till last in my humi. The ash wasn’t perfect to start with, fairly loose and light grey, but the smoke it generated was almost cloudlike and white.

The first third started off mild and elegantly sweet with a not so over powering, it had an aroma of gentle spice and a hint if pepper and nut.

This cigar began to make me feel sentimental and so I stuck on some Barry White and took a trip down memory lane, back to my young Army days in the the early 80s when I would sit in the Battery Bar with a King Edward and listen to Barry white, most Army Chefs in those days smoked King Edwards and my memories of my first experiences of cigars came flooding home. Memories of my first Cuban sitting on the square in

Then I entered the second third of this cigar and it was like someone opening a door that wasn’t there a moment ago, in a dream and shouting.. steve, steve, in here.. and so this second third was like stepping into a new world of flavours. I wondered where the gentle hint of nut and spice had gone, the peppery flavour remained but had lessoned and the spice and nuts seemed to combine and give it an almost vanilla flavour and a hint of chocolate. I stopped rolling my stick as I smoked as the burn was now even and the ash began to form better than previously holding together better and not so flaky.

By now Barry white was spoiling my moment and so I switched to a CD I had to compile myself from an old cassette called ‘The Last Dance’ Tamla Motown, now were getting truly emotional, oh the effects of this cigar are fantastic, as the cigar burns down it seemed to hold its own, the construction was good, nice and firm, the outer leaf burnt even, no cracks, no splitting, no crackling or popping, the smoke was still white and thick and with it, it remained pleasant and aromatic..

This is the point where I begn to be ungrateful and cuss Lee Nub for only sending me one, how very dare he send me a really nice cigar and be in cohoots with Mike for a review knowing my stock is limited I would leave it till last… But also very grateful to Lee for his kindness and generosity which like all BOTL in this forum is full on and in abundance..

Oh oh we enter the final third, the ash now at about 2 inches and require to be knocked off into my trusted ashtray which I will have you know is an old Chinese takeaway tin foil bottom…. With the corners turned in to rest my cigar should I place it down.

Im now listening to track 4 of my cd, what becomes of the broken hearted, quite apt given after this cigar is finished I will be broken hearted…

Final third is a mixture of all the senses, still taking in gentle draws and holding the flavour before sending the smoke out into a cloud above my head and in front of my face. The ash now starting to waiver and becoming quite silvery grey, looks like the ash is made up of single ringlets in perfect circles leading down to the burn, the nutty flavour and sweetness has returned and the pepper long since gone and I never realised when I lost the taste of the pepper, this cigar although mild and a great start to the morning went down well with 2 cups of coffee one of which was a cappuccino, you know the ones Nescafe make in sachets.

Not once did I have to relight this stogie, not once did I feel disattisfied..

Please please please EVERYONE gift me more of these, im begging and scrounging..

Lots of love and egg yolks… Eggie aka Steve