This thread is dedicated to G-man

Ring: 50-52(est) Length: 4"
I received this robusto from Gman after getting one of my orders through, I do like an unbanded cigar, what is it, where did it come from, what country of origin is it? so many questions. I asked G-Man what on earth it was, and he replied "smoke it and I'll tell you". So I took it upon myself, on this Sunday, to sit down and smoke this mystery stick.
This was a full attention smoke, no auxillary vices, no drinks (water as always); I started to light up slowly, rotating and taking care, making sure all is well on the footfront. I give it a blow after some rotation so the flame surrounds the middle unlit leaves, voila! A nicely lit cigar after a minute or so of care. I take my first draw, thinking the same thought I have with every cigar I smoke "please draw nice, please emit huge plumes of smoke, please do me well!", I can feel the smoke in the inside of my mouth, and that only means one thing; it's a helluva lot of smoke!
I exhale and there's a great big cloud of smoke from the first draw, this is good. After smoking 3/4s of an inch of this mysterious piece of rather well rolled tobacco, In my mind are these thoughts:
"The ash is very nice, no bits hanging off, very uniform, the tastes draw after draw are surprisingly complex right from the get-go"
Draw was superb, and the smoke was delicious, the first part of this smoke just gave me a good feeling, it was smoking fine, it looked fine, and was fine. I couldn't pinpoint a certain flavour during the first leg but they certainly were a mix of interesting things, almost on a CC scale, perhaps this could be a CC?! It certainly had that feel and quality of it, infact this cigar reminded me of smoking a Hoyo Petit Robusto (CC).
Getting down to a third of the way in, the taste become very, juicy and succulent, again I could not pinpoint any specific flavours as such, but the draws were really pleasant and I found myself exhaling slower than normal, it was that nice, these flavors started to develop into something I would call 'Almond Cream' , very creamy, with a touch of almond, this part of the cigar was real nice.
By this time the ash was a good 1.5", very strong, very good looking, not that unhealthy grey, batterd ash, a nice grey ash with little to no 'breaks or flakes'. The Mr B Flavor of the Smoke was - PANCAKES! The last draw before the first tier of ash broke off, I got an extremly distinct taste of home made pancakes, after marveling this, the ash broke off and the flavor was lost!
Past halfway the cigar was developing a mild spice on the pallete, it was hitting my mouth with spice, but without that horrible foul taste. Imagine if you smoke a cigar too much, you'll get that 'hot smoke' taste, followed by usually a foul taste, I normally go for the water but this was giving me some great spice, without the horridness of an oversmoked cigar.
The best part is saved til last, and this couldn't be any truer for this cigar. Toward the end of the cigar, the stub was getting smaller and smaller, and the cigar was getting better and better. I was getting a super sweet toffee flavor, I kid you not, It tasted like I was eating Toffee popcorn, not smoking a cigar. I can still taste it now, and this review has taken me a while and I've had a cup of tea in the meanwhile, but it's still on my pallete. It was beautiful, just pure sweetness, I did not want to leave the cigar, I was about to leave the garage and turned around and saw it sitting there smoking away; with the second tier of ash still on by the way. I take one final draw, and the ash breaks, a fitting end for a SUPERB smoke. I have no idea what this cigar was, NC or cuban, but it was brilliant, I would love to have more of these in my humi.
Put me in a great mood, gave me some ideas for a business venture, the cigar was smoking me! Couldn't of been better. Smoked right down.
G-man now's your time to fess up! What was this?!

Ring: 50-52(est) Length: 4"
I received this robusto from Gman after getting one of my orders through, I do like an unbanded cigar, what is it, where did it come from, what country of origin is it? so many questions. I asked G-Man what on earth it was, and he replied "smoke it and I'll tell you". So I took it upon myself, on this Sunday, to sit down and smoke this mystery stick.
This was a full attention smoke, no auxillary vices, no drinks (water as always); I started to light up slowly, rotating and taking care, making sure all is well on the footfront. I give it a blow after some rotation so the flame surrounds the middle unlit leaves, voila! A nicely lit cigar after a minute or so of care. I take my first draw, thinking the same thought I have with every cigar I smoke "please draw nice, please emit huge plumes of smoke, please do me well!", I can feel the smoke in the inside of my mouth, and that only means one thing; it's a helluva lot of smoke!
I exhale and there's a great big cloud of smoke from the first draw, this is good. After smoking 3/4s of an inch of this mysterious piece of rather well rolled tobacco, In my mind are these thoughts:
"The ash is very nice, no bits hanging off, very uniform, the tastes draw after draw are surprisingly complex right from the get-go"
Draw was superb, and the smoke was delicious, the first part of this smoke just gave me a good feeling, it was smoking fine, it looked fine, and was fine. I couldn't pinpoint a certain flavour during the first leg but they certainly were a mix of interesting things, almost on a CC scale, perhaps this could be a CC?! It certainly had that feel and quality of it, infact this cigar reminded me of smoking a Hoyo Petit Robusto (CC).
Getting down to a third of the way in, the taste become very, juicy and succulent, again I could not pinpoint any specific flavours as such, but the draws were really pleasant and I found myself exhaling slower than normal, it was that nice, these flavors started to develop into something I would call 'Almond Cream' , very creamy, with a touch of almond, this part of the cigar was real nice.
By this time the ash was a good 1.5", very strong, very good looking, not that unhealthy grey, batterd ash, a nice grey ash with little to no 'breaks or flakes'. The Mr B Flavor of the Smoke was - PANCAKES! The last draw before the first tier of ash broke off, I got an extremly distinct taste of home made pancakes, after marveling this, the ash broke off and the flavor was lost!
Past halfway the cigar was developing a mild spice on the pallete, it was hitting my mouth with spice, but without that horrible foul taste. Imagine if you smoke a cigar too much, you'll get that 'hot smoke' taste, followed by usually a foul taste, I normally go for the water but this was giving me some great spice, without the horridness of an oversmoked cigar.
The best part is saved til last, and this couldn't be any truer for this cigar. Toward the end of the cigar, the stub was getting smaller and smaller, and the cigar was getting better and better. I was getting a super sweet toffee flavor, I kid you not, It tasted like I was eating Toffee popcorn, not smoking a cigar. I can still taste it now, and this review has taken me a while and I've had a cup of tea in the meanwhile, but it's still on my pallete. It was beautiful, just pure sweetness, I did not want to leave the cigar, I was about to leave the garage and turned around and saw it sitting there smoking away; with the second tier of ash still on by the way. I take one final draw, and the ash breaks, a fitting end for a SUPERB smoke. I have no idea what this cigar was, NC or cuban, but it was brilliant, I would love to have more of these in my humi.
Put me in a great mood, gave me some ideas for a business venture, the cigar was smoking me! Couldn't of been better. Smoked right down.
G-man now's your time to fess up! What was this?!