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Hoyo de Monterrey ? Short Hoyo Piramides EL 2011

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  • Hoyo de Monterrey ? Short Hoyo Piramides EL 2011

    Hoyo de Monterrey Short Hoyo Piramides EL 2011
    Size: 135 x 46 ? Petit Piramides
    Smoke time: 1 hour 33 mins.

    Cigar was bought as a single. Hand made from 2 year old tobacco.

    Appearance: Solid, with a rough tooth dark chocolate coloured wrapper the barrel was perfectly cylindrical finally tapering to the neatly capped piramide flute. The wrapper colour was interesting in that it was mottled very dark brown to almost black and the few surface veins whilst apparent were not prominent. The cigar was finished with the regular HdM ?D? band and the secondary Edicion Limitada 2011 band.

    Construction: Feeling along the length there was very little pinch which didn?t bode well and was later born out when I had to resort to a BBQ skewer at about a quarter inch into the smoke. The burn was OK to middleing and a one point went off at a 30?angle, but I left it alone and it subsequently corrected. The pre-draw and smoking-draw were very tight, and if not for my skewer smoking would have been nigh on impossible. I made one purge, but even that was difficult and my cheeks were puffed-out like a bullfrog. No re-lights required.

    Flavour: The pre-draw aroma was not particularly stong and haylike. The start, although difficult was delicious ? chocolate and fruit ? like Cadbury?s Nuts ?n? Raisins without the milk. As light woods entered the mix I was also getting all sorts of delicious fruit notes and nuances that were outside my flavours memory bank and I can only describe as being like something I used to do as a kid, take each of the flavours from a tube of wine gums and mix them in my mouth, not very adult, but you get the idea. The Cuban twang when it arrived was very light almost dull but the overall flavors effect was stunning. Towards the end of the first third and only for a little while the flavours were joined by something sweet and slightly meaty, almost lamblike. Into the second third and the flavours, still sweet and without an bitterness became slightly deeper and more evenly rounded, which in MHO made them even more enjoyable. For the rest of the third the Short Hoyo pretty much chugged along without change. The smoke aroma however, which had been very pleasant and aromatic bid become slightly acrid around half way. In the final third the flavours became darker, simultaneously more chocolatey and more woody but always with an undelaying sweetness and cleanness which characterise the tastes. It is a marvelous tasteing cigar!

    Overall: If it wasn?t for the construction issue I would say this was probably the best new Cuban in a long while. The flavours are fantastic, and without this mornings shit-in-the-carburetor episode I think this smoke would have another flavours delivery gear. Flavourwise I?m going to catagorise the Short Hoyo as being a high medium. Strengthwise it?s a bit of a lightweight and possibly wouldn't suit BOTL preferring a little more oomph, I smoked this mornings cigar on an empty stomach without any ill effect or ?buzz? whatsoever. Boxworthy? I would say for my taste YES, although I am feeling a little uneasy with the Euros because of tight rolling.
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  • #2
    It sounds like a great cigar, I don't know why people look down on light to medium strength cigars. It can be light and full of flavour without being weak. Just as a full strength cigar can be full flavoured without being overpowering.

    Thanks for the review as I've been looking at HDM for a bigger smoke.


    • #3
      Such a shame about your draw problem. I had one of these over Christmas and thought it was superb. This is still a new hobby to me and budget constraints limit me to 1-2 cigars a week. So, although I have limited experience and haven't by any means tried a lot of different sticks this is probably in the top three that I have tried so far.

      Great reveiw as well



      • #4
        Nice review.

        I've yet to try these, so I must give one a go soon. However, having just splurged on a few boxes I may have to wait a while....


        • #5
          Great review Arf, think I am gonna have to get me a box of these!


          • #6
            i dont think you're alone in liking these Arf great cigars and worth a box purchese


            • #7
              Originally posted by tippexx View Post
              Size: 135 x 46 — Petit Piramides
              This vitola is a Forum (like the Montecristo Regatta). The Petit Pir?mides is 50 x 127.

              Great review! This cigar is a delish, a delight, it's almost decadent…


              • #8
                Shame about being plugged the two I've had so far have been spot on similar profiles
                Cool review as per usual


                Live & Dangerous ;-) ......
                Twitter @AyeAyeReviews


                • #9
                  Great review as always Tipp...

                  Cheers, HabanoSy


                  • #10
                    Nice review Tipp. Look forward to sampling this at Fox's on the 22nd.

