Aye Aye Folk's (Reaver)
Link to Youtube Video --------> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wsg-zXmysj0&sns=em
We recieved a couple of well aged Partagas Culebras (03) from memory, gifted by. Reaver
This was a good month or so back, so they've been well rested.
Bill and I will be doing a video review on them tomorrow
So watch this space
Thanks again Reaver
Link to Youtube Video --------> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wsg-zXmysj0&sns=em
We recieved a couple of well aged Partagas Culebras (03) from memory, gifted by. Reaver

This was a good month or so back, so they've been well rested.
Bill and I will be doing a video review on them tomorrow

So watch this space

Thanks again Reaver
