Well. . what can I say the generosity of ones fellow BOTL never ceases to surprise and amaze me.
Could there be a more 'Nobler-Band-of-Brothers?
(Or should that be 'Nub'ler-Band-of-Bothers? - I'm not sure)
During last weeks herf in the Midlands I commented on how well organised (and well stocked) bopmachines 'Tupperdore' looked (following the pictures he posted of it in our very own Forums).
Upon asking him where he'd sourced his 'Oust' fans from, he very kindly offered to send me one as he had a spare.
Well, true to his word, he duly obliged.
A day or so later a rather (ominously) larger than expected box landed on my doorstep containing not just an 'Oust' fan, but:
A tubed Bolivar RC
A Punch Punch
An RyJ Escudo (2007 LE) - Lookin' forward to this one first!
And a Trinidad Fundadore (That one holds special memories for me - Cheers big guy - I'll be sure and smoke it with a suitable bottle).
(Perhaps you might care to join me?)
But there's more!!!
Also enclosed:
A banksy style piece of 'Bop's' artwork (What'll that be worth in years to come)
A box of Cohiba matches
and a do-it-yourself herf stand.
My cup runneth over!
Muchas Gracias Senor
. . 
Multi-lingual smilies!! I love it!!
Now I can go and irritate the whole WORLD - Muwahahah (cough, splutter).
P.S. Sorry 'bout the picture quality, I've broken my camera.
(Well. . if truth be told Aussiewaz's wife broke it over my head when I asked if I could take her picture - Well, she does have an exceedingly nice. . )
Could there be a more 'Nobler-Band-of-Brothers?
(Or should that be 'Nub'ler-Band-of-Bothers? - I'm not sure)
During last weeks herf in the Midlands I commented on how well organised (and well stocked) bopmachines 'Tupperdore' looked (following the pictures he posted of it in our very own Forums).
Upon asking him where he'd sourced his 'Oust' fans from, he very kindly offered to send me one as he had a spare.
Well, true to his word, he duly obliged.
A day or so later a rather (ominously) larger than expected box landed on my doorstep containing not just an 'Oust' fan, but:
A tubed Bolivar RC
A Punch Punch
An RyJ Escudo (2007 LE) - Lookin' forward to this one first!
And a Trinidad Fundadore (That one holds special memories for me - Cheers big guy - I'll be sure and smoke it with a suitable bottle).
(Perhaps you might care to join me?)
But there's more!!!
Also enclosed:
A banksy style piece of 'Bop's' artwork (What'll that be worth in years to come)
A box of Cohiba matches
and a do-it-yourself herf stand.
My cup runneth over!
Muchas Gracias Senor

Multi-lingual smilies!! I love it!!
Now I can go and irritate the whole WORLD - Muwahahah (cough, splutter).
P.S. Sorry 'bout the picture quality, I've broken my camera.
(Well. . if truth be told Aussiewaz's wife broke it over my head when I asked if I could take her picture - Well, she does have an exceedingly nice. . )