So I come home, all unawares and innocent like, and there on my doorstep lies this massive ticking object of pure menace. I see the address and am thoroughly frightened. I even soiled myself a bit. Once opened, my house was just about decimated and all I have left now are these terribly unfair bits and pieces of shrapnel that have left me in tatters.
Two books?! Endless amounts of candy and tea?!? LE's?!?!?
You are an evil BOTL, Jibjob. Nay, diabolical! But don't you worry--I and my fellows will never surrender, never forget.

Two books?! Endless amounts of candy and tea?!? LE's?!?!?
You are an evil BOTL, Jibjob. Nay, diabolical! But don't you worry--I and my fellows will never surrender, never forget.
