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Competition Bottle of Ron Caney Oro Ligero 7 year old Cuban Dark Rum

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  • Competition Bottle of Ron Caney Oro Ligero 7 year old Cuban Dark Rum

    OK so the poll has concluded and the majority of votes by a land slide indicates that you would like me to offer the bottle of rum that Mitch at C.gars ltd gifted me. So here is the competition but first,,,..

    I want to thank Mitch for this bottle of Rum and his unreserved permission to use it on here as a competition prize

    So here is what you have to do... you have to search the internet, or scan from a book or something else the Funniest Cartoon image you can find.. Two 'entries' per person and no more; BUT! each single entry can have more than one image and no returning to edit to add more. Once i think one in particular is the funniest and after as many people who are active and have an interest in the bottle of rum, i will select the prize winner. If i see edited by you should note whats been edited so i know you havent added an image later

    I reserve the right to be the sole judge of the competition and my selection of the winner will be based purely on my sick sense of humour.

    To take part, the usual rules apply, minimum of 25 posts and the ability to PM is all it takes, so noobs, if you take part, you must have genuine 25 posts and not single worded posts to enable entry.

    Posts without images, i.e just comments dont count...

    Heres some tips of what i find amusing, cartoons like Andy Cap, the army type cartoon strips, tv cartoon characters and... well anything really lol, that sort of thing, however silly, daft, rude whatever you choose.

    Open to all members worldwide

    The prize... So game on.. get searching, get posting... remember two entries but as many images as you choose.

    Last edited by eggopp; 29-09-2010, 06:54 PM.

  • #2

    great comp eggy!


    • #3
      after the bottle is finished


      • #4

        Sorry, couldn't get the vids to actually post here! Will change it if I can. These are cartoons!


        • #5
          Great contest Eggy, my humble submissions from the boys at the sadly defunct 'Modern Toss'

          Hope they are not too rude!

          I'll PM with my address so you can get the Rum in the post first thing!
          Attached Files
          Last edited by davidruddell; 29-09-2010, 08:50 PM.


          • #6

            another comp,mighty generous of you eggy
            Attached Files
            "For what could be more beautiful than the heavens which contain all beautiful things." - Nicholas Copernicus, 1543


            • #7

              sooo many to choose from
              Attached Files
              "For what could be more beautiful than the heavens which contain all beautiful things." - Nicholas Copernicus, 1543


              • #8
                Submitted for your approval:

                I'm still waiting for the whiskey to whisk me away
                And I'm still waiting for the ashtray to lead me astray
                Josh Ritter, "Other Side"


                • #9
                  and here comes the winning post...


                  • #10
                    First attempt

                    One of the classics great idea for a comp eggy



                    • #11
                      Second Attempt

                      Keeping on-topic with the forum



                      • #12
                        not sure how to make it small but here it is anyway

                        I started out with nothing and i've still got most of it left - Seasick Steve


                        • #13
                          My 2nd 0ne

                          I started out with nothing and i've still got most of it left - Seasick Steve


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by skyhigh View Post
                            not sure how to make it small but here it is anyway

                            Going in the sea when it's really cold works for me
                            "For what could be more beautiful than the heavens which contain all beautiful things." - Nicholas Copernicus, 1543


                            • #15
                              G-Man ! ! ! How many times do I have to tell Ya ! No sales and no NSFW posts anymore ! well this is original for sure and if I win the guy in the photo get the bottle.

