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My first bomb!

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  • My first bomb!

    I got bomb'd by eggopp! My first bomb! I'm so chuffed! Let me tell you how it all came about.

    As some of you may know, eggy recently bought a large number of sticks from C.Gars. I happened to mention that I wanted to try the RyJ cedros, so he PMed me and kindly offered to send me one to try before I buy if I gave him my address. V. generous, I thought.

    I had to work late last night, but at about 6 last night I got a text from my wife (who had just arrived home from work), asking (and I quote) "What have you been buying? I have not authorised anything xx" (you can see who holds the purse strings, can't you? ). Turns out I had 2 parcels - one was the Monte Grand Edmundos LE I'd ordered for my friend's wedding. The other one was lovely selection of cigars from eggy!

    Here's what I got (I'm working from memory, so I could be mistaken):

    1 x Por Larranaga Petit Corona
    1 x Partagas Petit Corona Especiales
    1 x Diplomaticos No 4
    1 x Romeo y Julieta Cedros no 3

    and the icing on the cake...

    a Diesel Stout - this beast is 6" x 60

    As I said, I worked late last night so haven't had a chance to take pics (I'll put some up here later), but I was so pleased that I had to tell all you fine people straight away.

    Muchas gracias mi amigo! I've got a spring in my step today
    I'm still waiting for the whiskey to whisk me away
    And I'm still waiting for the ashtray to lead me astray
    Josh Ritter, "Other Side"

  • #2
    Nice one! Looks like Eggy gave up a day's smokes!
    The running gears of a bopmachine


    • #3
      Nice work Steve & well received Bambini but Bop, thats only what Eggy smokes before lunch methinks.
      What would I know? I'm just a backwoods roo packin crim from New Holland! LOL. (Thankyou El Cat)


      • #4
        Nice sticks all of them Bambini. WTG Eggy, I know it must have been a wrench to let 'em go, but very BOTL thoughtful matey!
        If you want to, you can.
        And, if you can, you must!


        • #5
          Fine work eggy - fine work indeed!

          What's more impressive is that he managed to reach the Post office and send it without smoking its contents on the way!
          Now that's staying power!
          Originally posted by DRAGMASTER
          Every time I sleep with a girl I smoke a cigar while we do it. It's exciting and makes you feel strong, manly and empowered.


          • #6
            Originally posted by tippexx View Post
            Nice sticks all of them Bambini. WTG Eggy, I know it must have been a wrench to let 'em go, but very BOTL thoughtful matey!

            LOL! I got this fleeting image of eggy at the post office, desperately wanting to hand over the parcel, but being unable to let go of it

            Only joking, I'm very grateful.
            I'm still waiting for the whiskey to whisk me away
            And I'm still waiting for the ashtray to lead me astray
            Josh Ritter, "Other Side"


            • #7
              Originally posted by bambini View Post
              LOL! I got this fleeting image of eggy at the post office, desperately wanting to hand over the parcel, but being unable to let go of it

              Only joking, I'm very grateful.
              Check the packaging to see if it was resealed. If so he was going to send more but the urge to light up hit him again as usual. LMAO

              Me Eggy.
              What would I know? I'm just a backwoods roo packin crim from New Holland! LOL. (Thankyou El Cat)


              • #8
                Nice going guys, the Diesel Stout is quite hard to come by, i have had a few (also sent by Steve) , great powerfull sticks


                • #9
                  Well I'm glad you got the agreed cedros in there, really don't know how the rest slipped in the package, they must have felt they stood a better life in your humi than mine, or at least a longer life spn.

                  You should realise however that coginitive behavoural therapy is now needed for me to overcome the anxiety I feel and to fully address my own behaviour!!

                  And you did notice that I deliberatly witheld my address!

                  First bomb you say?? I'm amazed... Well enjoy them


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by eggopp View Post
                    You should realise however that coginitive behavoural therapy is now needed for me to overcome the anxiety I feel and to fully address my own behaviour!!

                    And you did notice that I deliberatly witheld my address!
                    I'll need your address to send your appointment letter
                    I'm still waiting for the whiskey to whisk me away
                    And I'm still waiting for the ashtray to lead me astray
                    Josh Ritter, "Other Side"


                    • #11
                      Nice one Bam.
                      How you feeling Steve? Deep breaths mate!
                      Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.


                      • #12
                        Well done Eggy, nice Bomb.

                        You do realise if you'd kept them they would only have lasted you a full hour at the rate you put em away!


                        • #13
                          Congratulations and well done Eggy on this fine generous pile you sent!


                          • #14
                            Good job Eggy--not a bad, er, egg among em.


                            • #15
                              Nice bomb, eggy!

