Who is responsible for this:

Arrived today, Tuesday, 10th August, and -- yes -- that's a Behike!
Don't recognize the handwriting and there was no return address or admission of guilt.
I demand satisfaction! Who is the perpetrator of this this most heinous, unexpected, unwarranted bombing? It will go much easier on you if you confess to your crime rather than having me discover your identity. And, make no mistake, I will find out who you are. Just because I am retarded... er -- I mean, retired -- doesn't mean I don't still have strong connections with my friends at NASA. They have Sooper-Sekrit devices you have never even dreamed about in your worst nightmares and can pinpoint a wart on a flea's arse, so don't think you can hide. Come clean now and man up. Elsewise, you shall suffer the consequences.
You have been warned...