So while sat in the garden, the postman knocks on the gate with a curious parcel. "What have you been ordering now" harps the wife. "Nothing" i protest, which is true 
I open the box to this curious verse -

On the reverse, i recognised the elegant scrawl to be that of our Arf, Mr Tippex to you and me.

Now Arf knew i had been experimenting with pipes for a few weeks, and he decided to fuel my experiment , but with just enough cigars to keep my interests firmly were they should be.

We have 4 lovely stogies, including an Illusione, one of my favourites.
He added a great little pipe stand, a supply of cleaners, a tin of Gawiths Squadron leader , some Coniston Cut plug tobacco, a gorgeous block of Chocolate, and 88% too, i love dark chocolate. He also provided a tin of mints, as he stated in his note, to keep Mrs Nub happy.
To top it off, he put in a box of matches from the Voodoo lounge in London, which i now learn he has had for over 10 years. He knows i collect cigar memorabilia, what can i say. Art, your a very generous man, i cant express how happy you made me today, but i can say -
Watch your back sir
Revenge is sweet

I open the box to this curious verse -

On the reverse, i recognised the elegant scrawl to be that of our Arf, Mr Tippex to you and me.

Now Arf knew i had been experimenting with pipes for a few weeks, and he decided to fuel my experiment , but with just enough cigars to keep my interests firmly were they should be.

We have 4 lovely stogies, including an Illusione, one of my favourites.
He added a great little pipe stand, a supply of cleaners, a tin of Gawiths Squadron leader , some Coniston Cut plug tobacco, a gorgeous block of Chocolate, and 88% too, i love dark chocolate. He also provided a tin of mints, as he stated in his note, to keep Mrs Nub happy.
To top it off, he put in a box of matches from the Voodoo lounge in London, which i now learn he has had for over 10 years. He knows i collect cigar memorabilia, what can i say. Art, your a very generous man, i cant express how happy you made me today, but i can say -
Watch your back sir
Revenge is sweet
