Never thought it would happen to me, but damned if that shuckins fellow didn't lob one right on top of my NASA Sooper-Sekrit Level 12 Ultra-Hardened Safe-From-Bad-Things Place and Combination Taco Stand.
The taco stand is history, but the shelter can withstand anything up to and including a direct hit from a Trapezoidal Intermaxiative Bulgar Initiative, so I'm fine, just a bit shuckins shook is all.
I mean this guy... When I send out a bomb, it usually consists of a few dogrockets, stogies the dog got holt of somehow, and a couple seegars I picked up at a wedding or a bar mitzvah or somesuch. Shuckins.... well, he loads up his bombs with the real McCoy:
We got us a CC fiver:
consisting of: A nice, big Robaina; a Cubanesque Havana Soul made by Don Jos? "Pepin" Garcia in Little Havana, Florida; a 2007 Trini that suffered a bit of collateral damage in the blast; and a cute little Partagas and an HdM.
Then an NC fiver:
made up of: A yummy Rocky Patel Olde World Reserve; a manly Man O' War; a Mombacho Thermonuclear Triple-Ligero (I'm not kidding - that's really what it's called and I can't wait to try this mother. Just the name has me salivating); then a 2008 5 Vegas Limitada; followed by a Famous 70th Anniversary Private Selection by Perdomo.
Finally, the detonator:
which is a Don Carlos Edicion de Anniversario 2007 (Double Robusto) made by Fuente and running about 40 bucks a pop!
I am agog. Nay. A veritable two gogs for this one.
However, let it be noted that I may be bruised, but not beaten; I'm no lightweight to be knocked out in the first round. If shuckins thinks he's bested me he best needs think another best think. I have not yet begun to fight now that I've seen the white of his eyes (or somesuch). Let it be known that shuckins has officially opened up a can of whoop-ass and I'm just the ass that can do the whoopin'. Wait... that didn't come out quite right.
Anywaze, GAME ON! shucky, old bombardier. Prepare yourself for some return fire.