Here's the deal: We get lots of new members asking the question "What's a cigar bomb?"
I'd like to make a sticky out of a member-defined description of what a cigar bomb is, as an instant point of reference for newbs. So it would be great if a member could come up with an appropriate definition for UKCF please?
The reward will be a cigar grenade, which is smaller than a bomb
and no doubt a forum award.
I'll leave this open for a week, and it closes on Sunday 11th April, 18.00hrs, UK time.
No plagiarism please, although references would be ok, with the author's permission.
EDIT: There may be, with the winners consent, slight additions/ommissions/tweaks to the sticky, to cover all bases. It may be that some ideas are taken from across the board, but the 'winner' will be the most comprehensive body of descriptive text that embodies the question. I hope this sounds okay? I guess, with this being an open, public forum, the gyst is: what would you want to see as a description of what a cigar bomb is?
IMPORTANT EDIT: I am pleased to say that my paltry 'grenade' mentioned has been upgraded to a full bomb folks as there have been contributions from other mods in this respect.
I'd like to make a sticky out of a member-defined description of what a cigar bomb is, as an instant point of reference for newbs. So it would be great if a member could come up with an appropriate definition for UKCF please?
The reward will be a cigar grenade, which is smaller than a bomb

I'll leave this open for a week, and it closes on Sunday 11th April, 18.00hrs, UK time.
No plagiarism please, although references would be ok, with the author's permission.
EDIT: There may be, with the winners consent, slight additions/ommissions/tweaks to the sticky, to cover all bases. It may be that some ideas are taken from across the board, but the 'winner' will be the most comprehensive body of descriptive text that embodies the question. I hope this sounds okay? I guess, with this being an open, public forum, the gyst is: what would you want to see as a description of what a cigar bomb is?
IMPORTANT EDIT: I am pleased to say that my paltry 'grenade' mentioned has been upgraded to a full bomb folks as there have been contributions from other mods in this respect.