I?ve been asked to inform all Forum Members that as from today any Members wishing to Post a Competition or to Enter into any Competition must have a minimum of 50 Forum Posts.
I?ve been asked to inform all Forum Members that as from today any Members wishing to Post a Competition or to Enter into any Competition must have a minimum of 50 Forum Posts.
Anyway, the Competition and prize, Ladies and Gentlemen, should you wish to enter, is all in the picture:-
On the left is a book I am currently reading. The book has app.1000 pages. In the book is a marker showing the page I am up to.
On the right is the prize. A Cuaba Diademas 9.1 inch figurado and longest of all Habanos. (p&p. to anywhere in the World is included).
To win, all you have to do is guess which page the marker is set at. As a clue, the marker is set somewhere between pages 589 and 699. I?ve written the page number on the maker and will evidence it at the end of the Competition.
Closest man, woman or Mexican wins.
Rokkitsci is excluded ? untill he swears on a tubful of Bibles, Korans and Bar Mitzvah bagels that he will not be remote-piloting any of NASA?s miniaturised spy drones into my house or use any of their top-secret gizmos to bend or corrupt time and space, and not use his slot on the NASA mainframes to create complex, three dimensional equations thereby measuring the correct angle of the dangle of the maker and arriving on the page with full text and a shedload of Yankeeize spelling corrections.
Competition ends. 2400hrs. 28 February 2010.
If you want to enter but are a bit shy on Posts ? Please get posting!
Good Luck to All!