A sort of Annual fun bombing of each other with cigars that weren't rolled yesterday.
From Si this afternoon:-
RA Belicosos UK RE 2005, very rare and sans band because Si let it fall off and lost it.
Trinidad Colonales 2004
Partagas Shorts 2004 or before
RyJ Prince of Wales 1998
RG Slenderellas 2001
Thanks Si, will look forward with relish to smoking these during the year.
From Si this afternoon:-
RA Belicosos UK RE 2005, very rare and sans band because Si let it fall off and lost it.

Trinidad Colonales 2004
Partagas Shorts 2004 or before
RyJ Prince of Wales 1998
RG Slenderellas 2001
Thanks Si, will look forward with relish to smoking these during the year.
