Well came home from a long weekend away to a missed parcel letter thing, headed to PO to collect, only thing I was expecting was a couple of sticks from Alex ( Snr robusto- he had advised me to watch for them)
Imagine my surprise when postie hands me a shoe box!
First thought was the mrs has abused the credit card but no the postmark etc confirmed its origins
Ill let a picture tell the rest, all I have to say is, Santa dosnt come only once a year!! Your a true gent Alex
Thankyou, your humbled friend

Yes that is a boli gigantes, for reference I was expecting the 2 boli PC...
Imagine my surprise when postie hands me a shoe box!
First thought was the mrs has abused the credit card but no the postmark etc confirmed its origins
Ill let a picture tell the rest, all I have to say is, Santa dosnt come only once a year!! Your a true gent Alex
Thankyou, your humbled friend

Yes that is a boli gigantes, for reference I was expecting the 2 boli PC...