It's Never Too Late!
Hmmmm, this sound all too familiar - something from the Coro achrives, perhaps. Now if memory serves me, it was back in January 2010 when don TJ proposed several New Rules* to shore up this fine forum, including:
New Rule –
Knewbees must learn how to spell and form complete sentences. Each post must be
pithy and logical.
New Rule - Posts must contain at least two complete sentences or 25 words. No more horse shit like “agreed” “me too” “nice haul,” “that's for sure,” “my favorite color is brown...what's yours?” Nobody gives a rat's ass about these types of posts/responses ....well, except maybe you and your
jack-ass friends from other forums.
Don TJ truly was a man ahead of his time.
Perro, el Perro, and I do the posting around these parts on behalf of don
TJ and the
Those wishing to read the entire TJCoro "reentry" post and new rules may click the Flashing Skull
. It's quite a journey!
Originally posted by Stevieboy
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New Rule –

New Rule - Posts must contain at least two complete sentences or 25 words. No more horse shit like “agreed” “me too” “nice haul,” “that's for sure,” “my favorite color is brown...what's yours?” Nobody gives a rat's ass about these types of posts/responses ....well, except maybe you and your

Don TJ truly was a man ahead of his time.


