After driving from Antwerp to Hants in my 17yo 1Lt Micra, arriving at 0045 yesteray morning; I was ready to collapse into bed straight away but found a jiffy bag waiting for me. Curosity got the better of me & opening it up I was very surprised to find a Bomb go off in my face
bomb.2011.08.30.SAM_3121.jpg Padron Anniversary, Hoyo PR, Quai D'O Pan, POW? & Trini Coloniales + A stick of Southend Rock. A splendid & unexpected gift, which includes 3 I haven't tried before & will be looking fwd to trying. I can only assume it came from Tippex, perhaps for sending him just a couple to try & review, guess I can only try & balance things out at Chrimbo. Cheers mate, look out for your not so S.S. later this year.
