Originally posted by Simon Bolivar
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will cigars be a problem?.
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Originally posted by Jacobwaits View PostDear El Catador, I don't say this very often but...I think I love you. My hero.
El Cat takes a bow and waves to the folks up in the gallery seats...
(Those cheap b******s.)
P.S. How the **** did you manage to 'swing' TWO 'Brilliant Newbee Awards'?
Some of us poor S.O.B's didn't even get ONE! FFS!!
(It's not that I'm bitter you understand).
Originally posted by nicwing View PostShall I open a vote on closing this thread or are you all enjoying it?
Originally posted by simonc View PostThose who answered this faggot have been played, next time trust your feelings, and layeth the smack immediately!
(SEE! I'm geting it 'down with the kids'...)
P.S. Did I say it right?Originally posted by DRAGMASTEREvery time I sleep with a girl I smoke a cigar while we do it. It's exciting and makes you feel strong, manly and empowered.
Originally posted by El Catador View Post(SEE! I'm geting it 'down with the kids'...
I'd like to see this thread closed, but the OP will likely try and find it,be unable to and have another panic attack from his mild legal drug use.Last edited by Watkins; 18-06-2011, 08:53 PM.
Originally posted by El Catador View PostOK.. That's it!
I just can't take any more!
Firstly, how the f%*k can someone be a member of a CIGAR SMOKING FORUM for six 'bloody' months and yet still keep on spelling SMOKING with an E??
Jesus H Christ on a bike, have you people no ******* 'self-respect', or do you take some form of perverse pleasure in appearing like an illiterate *******'s?
Even my 'dog' understands that you start a sentence with a CAPITAL LETTER!
(Though he is quite bright for a Labrador. i.e - as soon as he works out how to use a 'tin-opener', I'm history!)
Your 'correct' use (and spelling) of the word 'ingesting' though, deserves commendation.
Well done - keep it up!
P.S. There are two 'L's' in Illegal
Sod it... I'm off for a 'Spacecake' (Don't worry, I can handle it).
Might I suggest you stick with the milk and cookies though.
My names El Cat... and I believe in maintaining ******* standards!
Peace be with you my 'Brothers'.
Love Life - Love Cigars
First of all simon im not a faggot and that you say that makes me just think how much of a F***** T*** you are so f*** off. And im not even going to comment on the grammar freak just got get a life insted of comenting on triveal things like grammar you p***.
Now would a mod like to remove this thread as it seems most of you find it hard to answer a simple question i think only 2 of you actually cottoned on to what the thread was asking (simple do cigars give you a nicotein buzz) that was it so i find it quite funny how nearly all of you cant either dont reply or answer a simple question
Hi Berry I wasn't questioning your sexuality, I was passing comment on the way you drew out this thread bathing in your own failings whilst ramping up the sincere attention whoring and sucking in some genuinely knowledgeable guys like a "faggot" and I guess I felt a little impatient and zzzzzz at your constant drama whining that's all. Absolutely no offence intended. Now huzzah! At last, your question; nicotine hit? Yes cigars, big fat things, stuffed with tobacco you're gonna get a nic hit.
Originally posted by Stevieboy View PostHi Berry. I think a few of the lads thought you were trolling and that your query wasn't genuine. I have to admit I wasn't sure of you either!!
We really are a friendly bunch so stick around
Originally posted by simonc View PostHi Berry I wasn't questioning your sexuality, I was passing comment on the way you drew out this thread bathing in your own failings whilst ramping up the sincere attention whoring and sucking in some genuinely knowledgeable guys like a "faggot" and I guess I felt a little impatient and zzzzzz at your constant drama whining that's all. Absolutely no offence intended. Now huzzah! At last, your question; nicotine hit? Yes cigars, big fat things, stuffed with tobacco you're gonna get a nic hit.
Ok thanks both of you for your posts
Originally posted by Deano View PostTake everything written tongue and cheek, and you'll find it all makes a lot more sense!
Speak for yourself!
I say we hang him up by his boll*cks and flay him to within a *'inch' of his life!
(*That's 2.54 cm - for you Metric ******s)
...or at least until he learns how to use a ****ing apostrophe, so I don't have to read the same sentence over-and-over-again, trying to figure out what this ***-**** is talking about.
you may automatically know where the pauses are supposed to be but when it all runs into one long stupid sentence like this one does it makes the rest of us wonder if you must be writing it whilst under the influence of mind altering substances either that or you have no concept of how this appears to others
(My apologies for the 'above', my 'Brothers'... I feel ashamed... and desperate to go back and 'edit it'... with correct punctuation... but perhaps it's the only way to make 'First Contact' with this life-form.)
Originally posted by berry1 View PostWell seriously i wasn't trolling i dont think i would be doing stick for a stick if i was trolling but anyway got to say some of the coments blew me away lol but i will stick around. Frendly bunch ok time is the essence lol
(El Cat heads off to retrieve his 'flogger' from Catalina Joy)Originally posted by DRAGMASTEREvery time I sleep with a girl I smoke a cigar while we do it. It's exciting and makes you feel strong, manly and empowered.
Originally posted by Deano View PostTake everything written tongue and cheek, and you'll find it all makes a lot more sense!
I just think their is alot better ways to put that you cant read someones post than the way you do F-ing and B-ing aint going to get my to change the way i post so maby in future try and use some comon sense and ask with a bit of a nicer attitude.
Now that Berrychum1 has had his fouth peneth I think this thread has served it's purpose so I am going to close it, don't think anything more positive can come out of it.Nic
Editor UK Cigar Scene Magazine
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