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2Bad Cigars in a row!

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  • 2Bad Cigars in a row!

    Right then so I'm at a cigar store on Wardour St just off Oxford Street and its a shall we say cosy store which I dont mind particularly, and yes u can smoke in store

    So walked into the humidor and grabbed a Bolivar Special 2009 (don't know the name yet)
    It's a small 6 " torpedo shape. So I grab a seat get comfy dude clips cigar I test the draw he clips again I test and it was ok little resistance, so I start roasting and take a few draws and its ok a bit spicy but pleasant then 2 minutes in it all went wrong!

    It was like sucking a brick thru a straw I put it down thinking it might sort itself out but how wrong I was I clipped it some more and still barely any smoke coming through at all and this was on top of the uneven burn.

    I speak to the guy and tell him there's something up with this cigar dude its soooooo hard to get any smoke out of it and he grabbed me another cigar (same one but from a completely different box) he was very nice about it and told me joke saying the roller must of had a tiff with the missus

    The dry draw was perfect and I start roasting and take the first draw and I was blown away by a strong bitter donkeypunch of pepperyness I tried second draw and it calmed down and I was impressed and I carried on for 2 minutes and then OH NOOOOOO the brick thru a straw came back and I weren't pleased....

    all the while this is happening the store guy had finished his shift and he mentioned my brick and straw story to the new guy coming on and I told him that its happened again and he looked at me as if I just slapped his mother upside and round the head ! But he said would u like something else and I werent going to push my luck and go for qnother Bolivar so I went for a Hoyo short and it was and still is perfect

    Now I just have to see if this guy will charge me for the 2 bricks and this or not ..... I'll let u guys know soon

  • #2
    sadly one of thoose thiongs wich cna happen once had a box of monte four and three out of five were plugged u shouldnt have to paym for the plugged sticks thougth


    • #3
      Many of us smoke in the Wardour st Casa, I suspect the first guy was Brian, long thin dude, they do know their cigars.and they should not charge you for duff sticks.
      Editor UK Cigar Scene Magazine


      • #4

        Right guys sorry I was going to update but me phone died.....

        Back to the story the 3rd cigar was a Hoyo Ep 2 and there was smoke enjoyment and flavour galore

        btw it was called Florida it was previously called casa da habano but no more.

        At the end of my smokes well the one I enjoyed got up and went to pay and low and behold I only paid for the Hoyo (?15 something) and I even picked up an empty trinidad cigar box for ?3 just to keep bits and pieces in.

        Now I cannae blame the establishment for the bad cigars and they were more than helpful aside from lanky bollocks who just gave me a dirty look when I told him I had a problem with my cigars but at the end when I went to pay he was more than happy to take me moneys .... one can only imagine why.

        It was a nice place but I'd rather not have to deal with that pompous lanky bollocks again, who was in complete contrast to the first guy who was more than courteous and very friendly. So maybe he just had a problem with me but hey ho I went to smoke and smoke I did!


        • #5
          Originally posted by JimJamYaHa View Post
          I'd rather not have to deal with that pompous lanky bollocks again,
          That's a shame, maybe you caught him on an off day, because if it's who I think you mean he's actually a very generous and lovely fella.



          • #6
            Shame. Someone who works in a high end cigar shop should be able to pick a well constructed cigar, and to identify any problem with his fingers?


            • #7
              I can only assume he was having an off day or he just had a problem with me !

              another thing was someone else seemed to have a plugged cigar so 3 plugged cigars in the space of an hour ........

              Also the cigars did all pass the squeeze tests. Just one of those days I suppose.

              I'll stick with stores I've been to before and don't give u a dirty look when u talk to them!


              • #8
                For Your Consideration.

                Cigars and Cigar Lounge Etiquette
                sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros


                • #9
                  Originally posted by TJCoro View Post
                  I'm well aware of the etiquette of walking into a cigar store. I went out of my own way to be as courteous as can be and walked into the store with a smile on my face and stayed polite with the guy.

                  Despite this the he still acted like he did and I don't expect to be treated like a prick unless I offend someone.

                  I went in there to smoke and I pulled out my phone to read a book so unless reading a book causes great offence now adays start tying the noose now.

                  I didn't exactly go in take my shoes and socks off, pull my pants down and shit on the counter!

                  I know this isn't very gentlemanly language but he really did ruin my mood that day, just as you've done now.


                  • #10
                    It can (and does) happen and a good store will always change your stick with an understanding apology. It happened to me last time I was at JJ Fox smoking something vintage that was recommended. Not a hesitation to change it over, both vendor and customer know this can happen sometimes.

                    The key words here may well be 'good store'.
                    Originally posted by Simon Bolivar
                    Little medical correction there Steve, you will surely die...but not from smoking these

                    Originally posted by Ryan
                    I think that's for lighting electronic cigarettes


                    • #11
                      I have re-read this thread a couple of times and I'm a bit confused, you had two bad cigars and then one good one, you only paid for the good one.

                      That's as it should be in any good establishment.

                      Bryan is a true gent, if he was less than cordial he may have been having a bad day. Many of us enjoy sampling a cigar at the Casa in Wardour street, it's one of the better late night establishments.
                      Editor UK Cigar Scene Magazine


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by JimJamYaHa View Post
                        ?and I even picked up an empty trinidad cigar box for ?3 just to keep bits and pieces in.
                        They SELL empty cigar boxes?


                        • #13
                          It's big business on ebay. Saw a bhk box going for eighty quid. Even regular ones make a few pounds.

                          Originally posted by Smallclub View Post
                          They SELL empty cigar boxes?

                          Sent from my X10i using Tapatalk


                          • #14
                            Breath Deep!

                            Originally posted by JimJamYaHa View Post
                            I know this isn't very gentlemanly language but he really did ruin my mood that day, just as you've done now.
                            Chicho, no cause to get your panties in a twist.

                            Just thought this was a perfect opportunity to remind others that etiquette matters - not necessarily directed at you, thus the "for you consideration" caveat.

                            Hey BB! Did I hear someone say....leather up?
                            sigpicVaya con Dios, Amigos! - don TJ and the Coros


                            • #15
                              all this highlights just how important customer service is - numerous botl's have read this tread and have now formed an (consious or subconsious) expectation of this shop.
                              its an old saying but its still true: long term, you can never win an argument with a customer. the 5 rules of customer service, smile,eye contact,greet,be personable and make it look fun.

