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No Habanos Sticker on Cabinet - should I be worried?

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  • No Habanos Sticker on Cabinet - should I be worried?

    Ok so I have received a box of JL2s today, from a vendor that I have used before and found to be genuine on those occasions.

    Only noticed after I had opened them that there is no Habanos sticker on the cab, nor does there appear to be a sign that it has been peeled off. The barcodes have been razored but I am not too concerned about that as it seems to be the way nowadays.

    Is it possible that these are suspect, it seems such an obvious clanger to drop on their part.

    have smoked enough of these over the last year and the sticks themselves look, feel, smell and absolutely semm to be the real deal. When compared to other JL2s I have from other vendors they match up. The box also looks spot on apart from this obvious omission.

    I am going to drop them an e mail anyway but wondered if anyone else has had this happen?

  • #2

    A box without the Habanos sticker isn't right, contact them and see what they say, they would have been checked too (prior to going out) multiple times, so definitely a cause for concern mate. All boxes should have this sticker if they are Cuban.

    Hope it works out.



    • #3
      had the box been opened for inspection when you recieved it? could be that its came off at some point in transit. If the vendors legit and they taste right you shouldnt have anything to worry about. Smoke one, The proof will be in the smoking.

      The habanos sticker seems quite easy for forgers to get so if everything else is present and correct I dont see why they would make this howler of a mistake if they are fake.
      Lover of fine Cubans since 2006


      • #4
        Originally posted by Habana-Habanos View Post

        A box without the Habanos sticker isn't right,
        Hey, easy!
        First it's not a "box", but a cab, and guess what, I have several cabs that lost their Habanos sticker. Look at the way this sticker is glued on a cab, you must cut it to slide the lid, and once it's cut it can come off easily?

        No problem here if you trust the source.


        • #5
          hey, smoke one and you will know.

          and, to be honest, i think there isn't as much fakes around as we would think. I personally had never seen a fake box/ cigar yet. and dont' think they would choose to JL fakes? mainly the Expensive stuff i should think

          but thats' just my guess, nothing to support, so...
          My cigar blog


          • #6
            Originally posted by Smallclub View Post
            Hey, easy!
            First it's not a "box", but a cab, and guess what, I have several cabs that lost their Habanos sticker. Look at the way this sticker is glued on a cab, you must cut it to slide the lid, and once it's cut it can come off easily?

            No problem here if you trust the source.
            Cab/box? They both have the Habanos stickers applied, yeah the sticker CAN peel off but during the time they have cut it to check them and shipped them off to you how likely is it to peel? Normally after several opens right?


            • #7
              Originally posted by Habana-Habanos View Post
              Cab/box? They both have the Habanos stickers applied, yeah the sticker CAN peel off but during the time they have cut it to check them and shipped them off to you how likely is it to peel? Normally after several opens right?
              nope, ive had stickes fall off right after opening and others stay put like a bad smell.
              Lover of fine Cubans since 2006


              • #8
                If you think they are real and your happy then there isn't a problem, if you're not, call and see what happened, if I was a retailer and the label fell off before I shipped it out I would change the box. If it fell off while shipping it would have been in the packaging when you opened it.



                • #9
                  Thanks for the speedy replies fellas.

                  I got a reply from the vendor (at this hour as well!). Essentially they have said they dont remove or alter any details/labels from the boxes prior to shipping but simply send them out 'exactly as they receive them' from their supplier.

                  I suppose there are 3 possibilities -

                  1) Not put on the box - unlikely if they are factory produced

                  2) Fell off on route to the vendors warehouse - possible

                  3) I have been had - also possible but these guys have sent genuine stuff before, I know because I have received unopened boxes with barcodes that have checked out on the Habanos site. The sticks have also tasted genuine.

                  Like I said at the start these appear genuine, I dont know about you guys but its the smell that does it for me, cubans smell like nothing else in my opinion but these also measure up in size / appearence / everything compared to other JL2s.

                  Will see when I smoke one for the final test, best let them settle for a week or 2 first though.

                  Thanks again.


                  • #10
                    if its a trusted retailer and all the other rights seem right, i bet they are real.

                    btw, JL 2 , good choice mate, fine puff
                    My cigar blog


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Kdot View Post
                      nope, ive had stickes fall off right after opening and others stay put like a bad smell.

                      Agreed. And to be honest I wouldn't trust Cuban QC to always put them on in the first place.
                      If you want to, you can.
                      And, if you can, you must!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by tippexx View Post
                        Agreed. And to be honest I wouldn't trust Cuban QC to always put them on in the first place.
                        Double agree.. Had a cab/box/container of Cohiba that the Habano label fell off - now that IS a worry...for a minute....
                        Good choice of cigar...


                        • #13
                          If the supplier is good, and the sticks look good then it is almost certainly fine. Never heard of counterfeit JL's.
                          Originally posted by Simon Bolivar
                          Little medical correction there Steve, you will surely die...but not from smoking these

                          Originally posted by Ryan
                          I think that's for lighting electronic cigarettes


                          • #14
                            i agree with what most of the guys have been saying FAT, if you trust your source i am sure they are fine


                            • #15
                              Thanks again for all the responses.

                              After contacing the seller and spending a day painstakingly comparing to other JL2s that I own, I am failrly convinced that these are genuine at this point.

                              When I get round to smoking one I will report back if I get a nasty surprise.

