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  • #16
    Originally posted by monkey66 View Post
    He sure did and so did I (I just wrote 'short' cos I am stupid )
    Love Life - Love Cigars


    • #17
      Originally posted by peanutpete View Post
      Following on from Nics thread about the best cigar and best new cigar 2110
      what has been your most disapponting cigar of the year, not your worst cigar (some one else can do that one) but the the one you thought would be much better than it was, i'll go first and i have only had one but for me itwas the R&J wide churchill was very under filled and did not do much for me
      I take it we are only speaking of cubans (too many NC to list) and the key being in your question saying the most disapointing cigar which i thought would be much better. for me ,i know i'll get stick for this, it would be the partagas pirmides LE i was so looking forward to this cigar im not saying i didnt enjoy it it just left me very disapointed i expected so much more from it but determined not to discard them yet i will purchase a couple more for the benefit of the doubt


      • #18
        Originally posted by mackem keith View Post
        I take it we are only speaking of cubans (too many NC to list) and the key being in your question saying the most disapointing cigar which i thought would be much better. for me ,i know i'll get stick for this, it would be the partagas pirmides LE i was so looking forward to this cigar im not saying i didnt enjoy it it just left me very disapointed i expected so much more from it but determined not to discard them yet i will purchase a couple more for the benefit of the doubt
        partagas pirmides LE


        I must admit I have not had one but still supprised..
        Love Life - Love Cigars


        • #19
          I knew this would provoke a response so to elaborate i didnt dislike this cigar far from it it just left me somewhat disapointed maybe due to them being really hyped up i smoked this cigar with another BOTL (spooner) and he agreed the cigar was slightly tight in draw flavour wise seemed very sweet (by no means a bad thing) and one dimensional untill the last third when it really opened up and the flavour profile became stunning so for me on the whole with the cigar not fully providing what i was expecting left me slightly miffed but i did like them enough to say i would purchase a couple more and smoke them in a different environment,time ect.. (was smoked outside in pretty cold weather)


          • #20
            Monty Sublime EL, I know most of you lvoe them but I think I just had a bad one. Will give another one a go!


            • #21
              El Cat telling himself: "I must not post while under the influence!"

              'Because... If I so much as... 'hinted', at my-own 'most disappointing' cigar this year...?'

              'Well... lets just say... I'd have to go into hiding'!!
              (Double exclamation marks - that's how serious this is!)

              So, let's not go there...

              (He whispers - looking left and right)
              'Well if you insist..
              It's not fair I know, but my expectations were unrealistically high - and it missed (it didn't make the Party SD4 test) - by ahem.. a bit-ish'.

              'Anyhow, it doesn't make it 'evil'..
              Does it'?

              Originally posted by DRAGMASTER
              Every time I sleep with a girl I smoke a cigar while we do it. It's exciting and makes you feel strong, manly and empowered.


              • #22
                Originally posted by El Catador View Post
                El Cat telling himself: "I must not post while under the influence!"

                'Because... If I so much as... 'hinted', at my-own 'most disappointing' cigar this year...?'

                'Well... lets just say... I'd have to go into hiding'!!
                (Double exclamation marks - that's how serious this is!)

                So, let's not go there...

                (He whispers - looking left and right)
                'Well if you insist..
                It's not fair I know, but my expectations were unrealistically high - and it missed (it didn't make the Party SD4 test) - by ahem.. a bit-ish'.

                'Anyhow, it doesn't make it 'evil'..
                Does it'?

                Errmmm......which cigar was it then?

                Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Stevieboy View Post
                  Errmmm......which cigar was it then?

                  'I can't tell you, sorry.
                  My life would be in danger!'

                  'If people chose to speculate however... Well.. who am I to stop them.'
                  Originally posted by DRAGMASTER
                  Every time I sleep with a girl I smoke a cigar while we do it. It's exciting and makes you feel strong, manly and empowered.


                  • #24
                    Lmfao ! You crack me up el cat !
                    Ive not posted much im the last few days and dont have much to contribute to this thread seeing as im confined to nc's at the mo thanks to a very tooooight budget. Theres a single Hoyo epicure 2 sitting there sticking its nose up to the rest of them im the humi being the only cc lol.
                    Thanks again for that Kam, ive still not brought myself to smoke it

                    But considering ordering through a party siere d LE and if its a dissappointment by god i'll be on here giving it big licks :P


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by El Catador View Post

                      'I can't tell you, sorry.
                      My life would be in danger!'

                      'If people chose to speculate however... Well.. who am I to stop them.'

                      err if looks it like a nub, smells like a nub and tastes like a nub, well you get the picture


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by mackem keith View Post
                        I take it we are only speaking of cubans (too many NC to list) and the key being in your question saying the most disapointing cigar which i thought would be much better. for me ,i know i'll get stick for this, it would be the partagas pirmides LE i was so looking forward to this cigar im not saying i didnt enjoy it it just left me very disapointed i expected so much more from it but determined not to discard them yet i will purchase a couple more for the benefit of the doubt

                        your right Keith i did say most diapponting cigar you can save the NC for the worst cigar of the year poll


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by El Catador View Post
                          'I can't tell you, sorry.
                          My life would be in danger!'
                          Not 'on here', we respect 'all views'

                          Come on, spill the beans, a disappointing smoke is a disappointing smoke, plenty of people have already listed Behike's here

                          Never realised cat and pussy are the same thing until now
                          Originally posted by Simon Bolivar
                          Little medical correction there Steve, you will surely die...but not from smoking these

                          Originally posted by Ryan
                          I think that's for lighting electronic cigarettes


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by mackem keith View Post
                            I take it we are only speaking of cubans (too many NC to list) and the key being in your question saying the most disapointing cigar which i thought would be much better. for me ,i know i'll get stick for this, it would be the partagas pirmides LE i was so looking forward to this cigar im not saying i didnt enjoy it it just left me very disapointed i expected so much more from it but determined not to discard them yet i will purchase a couple more for the benefit of the doubt
                            Hi Keith, which Party are you talking about, if it is the Petit Belicosos I found the last one I smoked horrible...but it was very young.
                            Originally posted by Simon Bolivar
                            Little medical correction there Steve, you will surely die...but not from smoking these

                            Originally posted by Ryan
                            I think that's for lighting electronic cigarettes


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by monkey66 View Post
                              Not 'on here', we respect 'all views'

                              Come on, spill the beans, a disappointing smoke is a disappointing smoke, plenty of people have already listed Behike's here

                              Never realised cat and pussy are the same thing until now
                              . . . . . .

                              How dare you Sir.

                              (El Cat adopts a dignified posture)

                              "I shall rise anub it.. I mean rise above it"

                              ('Phew... I nearly blew it then - nobody noticed did they?')

                              . . . . . .
                              Originally posted by DRAGMASTER
                              Every time I sleep with a girl I smoke a cigar while we do it. It's exciting and makes you feel strong, manly and empowered.


                              • #30
                                Has to be the Mag 50. The first two were fantastic then I had a run of 4 tightly packed sticks. So damn tight hardly any smoke came out!?

                                Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

