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The splitting up of RA and Partagas

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  • The splitting up of RA and Partagas

    I've just been told that both RA and partagas are soon to be split up and made in different factories, much like how Trinidad was moved from el laguito(?) and blends were modified a few years ago, as was the case with hoyo too. With both hoyo and Trinidad I feel they both changed for the worse.

    Call me paranoid but im worried quality and consistency may well suffer as a result. My beloved cigar blends may be changed!! Aaaah!!!! Time to chain smoke a box of lusis me thinks...

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  • #2
    if there is any consolation Jo it appears to be that these things can take ages to actually happen, things move very slowly in Havana.

    I was told 2 years ago that the Partagas factory was to close to be refurbished. It's still going strong. So stock up and keep an eye out for aged stock!!
    Editor UK Cigar Scene Magazine


    • #3
      Originally posted by Lascaux View Post
      I've just been told that both RA and partagas are soon to be split up and made in different factories, much like how Trinidad was moved from el laguito(?) and blends were modified a few years ago, as was the case with hoyo too. With both hoyo and Trinidad I feel they both changed for the worse.

      Call me paranoid but im worried quality and consistency may well suffer as a result. My beloved cigar blends may be changed!! Aaaah!!!! Time to chain smoke a box of lusis me thinks...

      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
      Have to agree!
      I blame all these 'blurdy youngsters wiv tooo merch mooney' - no demand, no change!


      • #4
        Ah so the partagas factory is still open? Magali told me it is to close imminently hence my worry!

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        • #5
          It is closing, for a couple of years, for renovation! Nothing happens fast there as Nic said. How long can it take to paint a building for crying out load?
          "In Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love, they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock!"


          • #6
            Originally posted by Big_T_UK View Post
            It is closing, for a couple of years, for renovation! Nothing happens fast there as Nic said. How long can it take to paint a building for crying out load?
            I heard that they can't roll when it rains as the roof leaks! so probably needs a bit more than a coat of paint.
            Editor UK Cigar Scene Magazine


            • #7
              It is in an extraordinary state when you walk round it.
              I thought the French had no concept of Health and Safety, but the Partagas factory takes the biscuit.

              I'm not bothered by that. I found it amusing to watch that I didn't trip and die.

              I don't think painting the inside of that building can be a priority.


              • #8
                Having been round the factory i can only say it can only be for the good, plus so many brands come out of that one place surely for RA to move cant be a bad thing , I think the whole City is due a refurb, as Nic says stock up maybe a good investment .


                • #9
                  I'm willing to store what they have in the factory humi whilst they give it a lick of paint! The big leather chairs are comfy as well . They, Partagas, were talking about a refurb back in 1999... it hasn't happened yet!

