boxes in Tuppadors.
Please check your boxes regularly. Not just open them and have a quick look at the top layer but thoroughly.
Reason: This morning I decided to check all mine. In one box I found mold. The box was at the bottom in the furthest (coldest) corner of the tup. The mold was not on the cigars in any significance, but rather was growing in neat parallel lines in the curvature space between the cigars both on the cedar divider and on the box base. The cigars have been wiped and quarantined into a small tuppador and put into the freezer. The box and divider I've cleaned with Ronsonol (which evaporates quickly and the smell vanishes in a few minutes). The box is now in a zip-lock and it too is in the freezer, which (I hope) will kill off any remaining mold spores.
Gentlemen, check your tups, check your boxes.
Please check your boxes regularly. Not just open them and have a quick look at the top layer but thoroughly.
Reason: This morning I decided to check all mine. In one box I found mold. The box was at the bottom in the furthest (coldest) corner of the tup. The mold was not on the cigars in any significance, but rather was growing in neat parallel lines in the curvature space between the cigars both on the cedar divider and on the box base. The cigars have been wiped and quarantined into a small tuppador and put into the freezer. The box and divider I've cleaned with Ronsonol (which evaporates quickly and the smell vanishes in a few minutes). The box is now in a zip-lock and it too is in the freezer, which (I hope) will kill off any remaining mold spores.
Gentlemen, check your tups, check your boxes.