Luxury Cigar Rolling experience. Roll your own Cigar in the traditional Cuban style, an amazing memorable, inclusive experience.
Its said that Cigar rolling is an art, we allow you to experience this unique art form. You will roll your own Cigar whilst been guided through the process using Cuban Cigar leaves. Your hand made Cigars will be packed for you to take away. Experience includes -
- Rolling multiple Cigars.
- You will receive an RC Cuban Cigars for you to enjoy, whilst taking in the stunning views around the venue.
- Free soft drink, Tea, coffee and snacks.
- During the session two Cigar Sommeliers will discuss the process of rolling the Cigars, explaining flavours/notes, how they are produced and the history of Cigars.
- Free parking and a Bar will be available.
This is a great experience for individuals, groups, birthday and stags. Book onto one of our 6 slots between 12:00 - 18:00. Crown Plaza Hotel, Solihull on 25/03/2023
Its said that Cigar rolling is an art, we allow you to experience this unique art form. You will roll your own Cigar whilst been guided through the process using Cuban Cigar leaves. Your hand made Cigars will be packed for you to take away. Experience includes -
- Rolling multiple Cigars.
- You will receive an RC Cuban Cigars for you to enjoy, whilst taking in the stunning views around the venue.
- Free soft drink, Tea, coffee and snacks.
- During the session two Cigar Sommeliers will discuss the process of rolling the Cigars, explaining flavours/notes, how they are produced and the history of Cigars.
- Free parking and a Bar will be available.
This is a great experience for individuals, groups, birthday and stags. Book onto one of our 6 slots between 12:00 - 18:00. Crown Plaza Hotel, Solihull on 25/03/2023