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Favourite 2 cigars

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  • Favourite 2 cigars

    What are your favourite 2 cigars? Has to be cigars that you have previously smoked.

    If you can manage to order them then go for it but otherwise let's just have your top 2.

    I'll start. No particular order on these two but my favourite two so far are Davidoff Winston Churchill Churchill Aristocrat and Trinidad Esmeralda

  • #2
    The two best cigars I have ever smoked were a
    La Flor de Cano Short Churchill followed by a
    Hoyo de Monterrey Double Corona.


    • #3
      Upmann 2
      Monte 1

      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


      • #4
        Nice choices.

        I have the Monte 1 on my wishlist but have been a little hesitant as I have heard a few reports of them being quite tight. Seems like they are definitely worth a try though.


        • #5
          For me the best two regular production cigars over the last 2 or 3 years have been
          1)Bolivar PC
          2)Partagas D4

          Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


          • #6
            Favourite 2 is a tough one but these were the first two I thought of.
            Diplomaticos No 2
            Punch Punch

            ?Any cigar smoker is a friend, because I know how he feels.? ? Alfred de Musset


            • #7
              For regular production my favourites are Partagas 898 closely followed by Upmann Conn №2...

              For special edition it's Juan Lopez Seleccion Superba then Punch ManTua. Both incredible....

              Sent from my SM-S908B using Tapatalk


              • #8
                My two in order would be Partagas 898 and Juan Lopez No 2


                • #9
                  What a great question.
                  I think to answer you have to say why it's your favorite.
                  I am not sure a cigar can be your favorite without a story behind it.

                  Leaf by Oscar: I don't live in a city or get to wear a suit very often. But I had just visited the Leipzig ballet with my wife. She was wearing a beautiful ball dress. It was late summer and we had perfect evening weather.
                  We sat outside on a rooftop bar in the tallest (and maybe only) sky scrapper in the city and watched the sun go down. A light warm breeze took the smoke away. A very happy wife and my first ever Leaf by Oscar. This warm breeze always comes back to my memory when I smoke one.

                  MC no2: In another life, I used to work as a medic offshore. I was on a Shell oil rig as far away from Scotland as you can fly before you arrive in Norway. From memory, the back-breaking helicopter ride took 4 hours. I arrived (for the first time) feeling sick and went right onto a 12h night shift. Where I got sicker and sicker. My back-to-back. Who is on this group (he can decide if he wants to reveal his name or not.) saw the condition I was in and sent me to bed. For 3 days and nights, I slept. Only waking up to him checking my obs and bringing me food and water.
                  Finally, the sickness passes and as our rotation continued we became friends. On our second shift together he flew out with an array of aged cigars I had never seen before, just for me.
                  The MC no2 was defiantly my favorite and it is now forever in my memory connected to him and a tiny (very dirty) smoking lounge on an oil rig in the middle of nowhere.


                  • #10
                    BBF and Monte especial.


                    • #11
                      So many still to try… for now I’ll say the Partagas Short & Cuaba Divinos as these are ones I’ve smoked most of they must be favourites!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Nicholas_By_Oscar View Post
                        What a great question.
                        I think to answer you have to say why it's your favorite.
                        I am not sure a cigar can be your favorite without a story behind it.

                        Leaf by Oscar: I don't live in a city or get to wear a suit very often. But I had just visited the Leipzig ballet with my wife. She was wearing a beautiful ball dress. It was late summer and we had perfect evening weather.
                        We sat outside on a rooftop bar in the tallest (and maybe only) sky scrapper in the city and watched the sun go down. A light warm breeze took the smoke away. A very happy wife and my first ever Leaf by Oscar. This warm breeze always comes back to my memory when I smoke one.

                        MC no2: In another life, I used to work as a medic offshore. I was on a Shell oil rig as far away from Scotland as you can fly before you arrive in Norway. From memory, the back-breaking helicopter ride took 4 hours. I arrived (for the first time) feeling sick and went right onto a 12h night shift. Where I got sicker and sicker. My back-to-back. Who is on this group (he can decide if he wants to reveal his name or not.) saw the condition I was in and sent me to bed. For 3 days and nights, I slept. Only waking up to him checking my obs and bringing me food and water.
                        Finally, the sickness passes and as our rotation continued we became friends. On our second shift together he flew out with an array of aged cigars I had never seen before, just for me.
                        The MC no2 was defiantly my favorite and it is now forever in my memory connected to him and a tiny (very dirty) smoking lounge on an oil rig in the middle of nowhere.

                        Wow great back stories and I can certainly understand why these cigars are special to you. For sure, if there is a good story behind why certain cigars are people's favourites I'd love to hear them if they want to share. I do strongly believe an experience involved with smoking a cigar can certainly influence the enjoyment


                        • #13
                          Jl1 and monte 2

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                          • #14
                            Monte 2, Upman Anejados, Boli Beli and Trini Media Luna - but at last year's prices only

                            Non CCs - Opus X, Andalusian Bull, Joya Numero Uno, DE Undercrown 10.


                            • #15
                              Interesting, looks like we have a few monte 2 fans.

                              I am going to Wales (near Snowdonia) with a couple of mates for a few days in 2 weeks. I have some cigars for the trip, one of which is the Monte 2 so to see it getting so much love is nice. I've never tried them.

