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Yet another meeting with a Rokkit Scientist.

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  • Yet another meeting with a Rokkit Scientist.

    I have kept relatively quiet about this, due to the fact that a) who cares? b) having been busy on the run up to my departure, however i am currently in Orlando, Florida - The United States of America. I arrived about a week ago and have been keeping myself busy.

    Upon arrival i dialed the Rokkitsci hotline and announced myself. It was agreed on both ends that there should be a meeting but i wasnt able to set a date as my mother, who loves to plan every last detail (much like Mr Lee Nubs wife it seems - but more on that in a second), had yet to start planning (she didnt know i was coming). So the week rolled around until Saturday arrived. Spotting an oppurtunity to escape when they had dinner planned with neighbours - i contacted George once again to attain whether or not he would be available that evening. After a little tooing and froing it was decided that i would travel to de casa tabacalera de Rokkitsci (or whatever the fuck he calls it) and we would visit his local smoking tavern.

    So that is exactly what we did - but not all went to plan.

    George lives approximately an hour away from the house here in Orlando and i made the trip across on US50, down Interstate 95 (I95) and into Melbourne looking for the big cloud of smoke that i knew would be hovering above the residence which i was seeking. I found it with ease and i gave a knock on the door once i had parked out front. The door opened and i was attacked ferociously by a guard/attack dog. I was dragged through the house into the lair of this foul creature where my bones were stripped of ....... hold on a minute - im sorry - that was a nightmare, but the Chihuahua that "greeted" was quite loud and i am informed hates my guts (though apparently this is not abnormal - but i should still just drop dead).

    First Things first, I greeted my friend, whom i presented with giftage from myself and Big_T, and we moved into his man cave where i was given a tour of the humidors. Man this guy knows how to collect some fine cigars. Shortly thereafter i was introduced to the wife of my host and after a polite exhange of words it was decided that we should perhaps smoke something.

    Before i continue - i felt like i was following Tim Curry around the mansion in Clue as we were flying to and from the humidors on our quest to smoked the best cigar we had ever had in our lives. For those of you who know what i am talking about - picture this as we go.

    At this point i had been denied use of my humidor and told that i shall smoke what im told to smoke..... George, after a second off thought, knew exactly what we should smoke from his fine selection. CAO Vision. A limited edition cigar from CAO - most of you who know this cigar will know of it due to its gucci box. To cut a long story short - we smoked this for a while, and smoked it on our way to George's local tavern: we wernt impressed with it but it improved slightly at the end....

    George had been wanting to show me his local smoking tavern, as i had shown him my hangouts the last time i had visited and so we set out to visit this local palace of cigars. We parked up and went inside. We were greeted by an extremely attractive, albeit extremely small, lass who had started her employ with the company. However it seems that times are bad. We entered the humidor to find it almost stripped of stock due to lack of custom and we then, to our horror, was informed that rather than closing at the usual midnight that they were going to be closing at 1900hrs - which was a bummer as we had arrived at 1855hrs. So we picked up a Ghurka that looked interesting and headed back whence we came.

    We decided that the evening should not be ruined and that we should do our best to enjoy ourselves at George's - and that we did. We jumped into his pool, smoked a cigar, drank beer and chatted for a few hours - the most decadent thing we could think of. George then took the time to teach me an ancient Chinese game named Go, which is extremely and i hope to be able to advance my game and continue to play. We joked, we laughed, we exchanged stories (including that of a recent aborted meeting of LeeNub due being required as a dedicated driver by his overplanning wife!!!!!) and we just had a good time. As the evening drew on and several cigars had been smoked - we decided that it was time to call it a night.

    George had, very generously, offered to accomodate me for the evening so that i may enjoy a few beers and so that i didnt have to make the hour trip back late at night - i had accepted and i proceeded to his guest room where i slept for the evening.

    I was awoken the next day by George announcing at what seemed the top of his voice that breakfast was ready. I shuffled into the kitchen where the breakfast table had been laid with a coffee and a bagel waiting for me. George had already informed me that the bagels we would be eating would be the best in the world and that nobody comes anywhere near this bagel shop with the exellence of their bagel - he was right. You dont need to go to New York or Chicago for bagels - Melbourne, Florida has the best. We discussed various topics over breakfast which was absolutely delicious. I had to be back home at a reasonable time as i had our only method of transport but thankfully I had been awoken at the ungodly hour of 0800hrs. After breakfast, George sugguested that which was on the top of my mind: that we should perhaps go outside, finish our coffee and perhaps smoke a cigar. We smoked a padron 6000 which was almost the perfect morning smoke and was thoroughly enjoyed - each puff sending me into nirvana. But alas eventually the cigar ended, though conversation did not, but we had to end our meeting and i had to make my way back to orlando. Upon departure I was given a care package from this generous man and as i was preparing to protest - i knew that it would fall on deaf ears and that he would be happier that i just accept. Leaving the house with some bagels, cigars and the world famous Georkey - i set off home having enjoyed a great time.

    Unfortunately no photographs were taken and so i must bore you with this block of text - but i am not off to Coronas in downtown Orlando to meet George once again and i hope i may be able to take a couple of snaps....

  • #2
    Damn it jimmeh, that's just not fair lol. Say hi to the guys in corona, are you going to the sandlake store? as Vitto from sopranos is there soon promoting his cuigine cigars, pop in and find out if its happening while your out there.

    If you do see him, grab an autograph for me will you, I'm a huge sopranos fan

    I've booked for next year, just 4 of us this time so things are looking good


    • #3
      George sounds like an excellent host

      BOTL's are like family.


      • #4
        Hey Jimmeh, maybe you should write a book...never mind you just

        Sounds like you had a great time.


        • #5
          wow sounds like you had a great time...


          • #6
            Great trip, despite the bumps in the road--I can only imagine conversation with our Rokkitsci--I'm sure that it is no less intriguing than his work was complicated.


            • #7
              "In Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love, they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock!"


              • #8
                You gotta get some of 'Vitto's' sticks!

                If you do see any I'd be happy to trade a Monte 2 for one!!!

                I'm a huge Soprano's fan too!


                • #9
                  I have loads of his sticks, david pm me your address and I will send you one out . He has just changed producer , so his new line have changed profile, and for the better I'm told

                  I have him on facebook, his whole life is cigars, he's a pretty interesting guy


                  • #10
                    The cuigine event with Joe Gannascoli is on October 1st Jimmeh, incase you fancied meeting him.


                    • #11
                      sounds like another great time was had with George hope the rest of your hols are just as much fun


                      • #12
                        Sounds like it all turned out a cracking night. Would be quality if you could make it along to see Vito and get some of his smokes.


                        • #13
                          Cuigine cigars aren't bad, I haven't tried the new blend since he changed company so would be interesting to see


                          • #14
                            Looking forward to pics Jimmeh, the last lot were superb.


                            • #15
                              Jimmeh, bring Lee a Cuigine or two back on me please, if you get to the store again.
                              "In Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love, they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock!"

