The subject of cigar record keeping features quite frequently and I see some members use paper journals, some use an online facility, whilst a number utilise a spreadsheet format. I am considering a spreadsheet type of record and I would appreciate it, if I could have your observations on my preliminary thoughts. Any suggestions would be gratefully received.
Regarding the Overall rating, I use a 1-5 system as follows:
5 - I will smoke this any chance I get at any price
4 - Great smoke
3 - I would enjoy it again, but not crave it
2 - I would smoke this given limited options
1 - I won't smoke this again
- Brand
- Origin
- Name
- Size
- Strength
- Ring
- Price
- Acquisition Date
- Humi Date
- Smoke Date
- Burn (burn time, in minutes)
- Maintenance (This gets a score from 1-10, with 5 being what you would normally expect, lower for more re-lights, tunnelling, canoeing, etc, higher for a low-maintenance burn)
- Flavour (my rating for how much I enjoyed the flavour. This also goes from 1-10, with a 5 being of normal flavour, not bad, but not memorable)
- Body (my rating for the strength of he cigar, from 1-10. 5 would be medium-bodied, lower is more mild, and higher is fuller)
- Overall (my overall rating for the cigar. See below)
- Comments (Where purchased/obtained from, key recollections about flavour, and body)
Regarding the Overall rating, I use a 1-5 system as follows:
5 - I will smoke this any chance I get at any price
4 - Great smoke
3 - I would enjoy it again, but not crave it
2 - I would smoke this given limited options
1 - I won't smoke this again