Afternoon chaps,
As a newcomer to cigars, I am gradually finding out what a huge difference the drink that accompanies your cigar makes. I enjoy a malt whisky, and this is my normal drink of choice when relaxing with a cigar.
I also enjoy mixing up a few cocktails at home and one favourite is a Long Island Iced Tea. I tried a Long Island with a Juan Lopez Seleccion No.2 recently and for me the flavour of the drink just killed any flavour from the cigar. I switched back to my beloved Laphroaig, and everything seemed back in balance again
I just wondered if anyone enjoys this drink as much as me, and if so, what cigars will go well with it, if any??!! Or is it more of a personal palate kind of thing??!!
White Russian is another one I enjoy but after the Long Island experience I've not tried it out yet. I imagine it would be a lot more compatible in flavour - anyone tried it??
Thanks for your help!
As a newcomer to cigars, I am gradually finding out what a huge difference the drink that accompanies your cigar makes. I enjoy a malt whisky, and this is my normal drink of choice when relaxing with a cigar.
I also enjoy mixing up a few cocktails at home and one favourite is a Long Island Iced Tea. I tried a Long Island with a Juan Lopez Seleccion No.2 recently and for me the flavour of the drink just killed any flavour from the cigar. I switched back to my beloved Laphroaig, and everything seemed back in balance again
I just wondered if anyone enjoys this drink as much as me, and if so, what cigars will go well with it, if any??!! Or is it more of a personal palate kind of thing??!!
White Russian is another one I enjoy but after the Long Island experience I've not tried it out yet. I imagine it would be a lot more compatible in flavour - anyone tried it??
Thanks for your help!