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A UK 'Big Smoke' in 'the big smoke'?

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  • A UK 'Big Smoke' in 'the big smoke'?

    So, flicking through the latest issue of CA, and seeing the adverts for the Big Smoke event in Las Vegas, I started wondering... Is it about time the UK gets a Big Smoke style event. We have our herfs, and they are indeed getting better - whether organized by the forum, retailers or H&F they are hugely enjoyable. But there is no cigar 'conference' (so to speak).

    A weekend of cigar related activities - seminars on drinks pairing, talks from industry stalwarts, hands on (e.g. roll your own) etc etc. Whatever sort of things take people's fancy. Plenty of cigars too.

    Is there a big enough market in the UK to make this viable?
    My cigar review blog: The Cigar Monologues (Twitter / Facebook)
    My Company:
    Siparium Sporting

  • #2
    Couple of us banded about the idea about six months ago. Talked to some "people" in the trade. Legal worries alone gave us a headache related to "promotion of tobacco products". Maybe just a coward.
    "In Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love, they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock!"


    • #3
      What would you call it?
      Business in the front. Party in the back.
      UKCF is now mobile friendly!

      The Mullet Dog is so on fleek!


      • #4
        Maybe just a coward.

        Originally posted by Big_T_UK View Post
        Couple of us banded about the idea about six months ago. Talked to some "people" in the trade. Legal worries alone gave us a headache related to "promotion of tobacco products". Maybe just a coward.
        You sometimes in life have to Stand up dig your feet in the sand and say enough is enough. The people (peasents) are the country not the Aholes we put there!

        So what else is knew ?


        • #5
          Originally posted by G-man View Post
          You sometimes in life have to Stand up dig your feet in the sand and say enough is enough. The people (peasents) are the country not the Aholes we put there!

          So what else is knew ?
          Wow! And I thought I was cryptic... Wait -
          Business in the front. Party in the back.
          UKCF is now mobile friendly!

          The Mullet Dog is so on fleek!


          • #6
            Vegas may end up being the "last bastion" of the big cigar event. I don't know if the NY NY Big Smoke is still going on but I've attended the Chicago party and it has had to be canceled the last couple of years due to the lack of venue- you just can't smoke anywhere anymore.

            Typically (at least in the USA) the Big Smoke evenings are attended by up to several THOUSAND smokers. So you need a BIG hall.
            There are normally 30-40 cigar vendors. You get some swag-in-a-bag upon entering, including a booklet of tickets to be exchanged for gift cigars at each booth.
            There may be 20 or more sampling booths for premium booze.

            What turned me off quite a bit was that despite the many, many ashtrays provided, including large "sand pits", most of my fellow smokers just dropped their butts on the floor (carpet) of the ballroom and carried on with their next smoke. I felt quite sorry for the poor staff girls/guys who had to roam the room, eyes streaming from the thick smoke of 2000 cigars to empty the ashtrays and pick up the discarded glassware and dishes.

            Does this sound like what you had in mind?

            On the plus side:
            -at the "weekend" Big Smokes some of the seminars, although pricey, can allow for getting well hammered and scoring some better smokes.
            -the food at the Big Smokes has always been top notch but you must have a strategy for getting fed.
            -sometimes you really luck out on the booze. At my last Chicago event they were pouring unlimited quantities of Hennessy XO, Talisker 18yo and Woodford Reserve (the original blend). Hoo Ha!
            - General Cigar, the distributers of Honduran Punch normally have a booth where they give you a cigar and pose you for one of their iconic magazine ads which you can then collect (full page colour) during the evening.
            The Punch Guy

            Perfect Penis
            Attached Files
            Commander Bob


            • #7
              Good lord dropping and going on the carpet ! I'll pass. Were suppose to be a classy group and what you seen was the classic american pigs. Sorry but I call um as I see (or you seen) um!


              • #8
                Hmmm. That is indeed and unsavoury (and very poor) way for anyone to behave.

                A UK event would have to be much smaller. Smoking primarily outdoors, with seminars maybe in a cigar store (as you'd have to be able to smoke through them) - very much limiting the numbers. Maybe a round robin of seminars to increase capacity?

                I suppose, even in London, it would more accurately be known as the Titchy Smoke...
                My cigar review blog: The Cigar Monologues (Twitter / Facebook)
                My Company:
                Siparium Sporting


                • #9
                  An event that's sadly lacking in the UK, surely in these times Fox/Cgars/H&F/Davidoff/Dunhill & others could put something together, which would be worth attending/paying for?

                  Outdoors with a covering, specific smoking areas?

                  There must be a reasonable demand, maybe tie it in with other luxury brands?
                  Rolex/Omega/Cartier, for sponsorship?
                  Take the 'heat' away from the cigar/health issue a little too.

                  Does Smoky Mo have any opinions on this? Read earlier in post that this has been discussed before.

                  I'd be happy to buy a ticket covering costs, similar to the CA smokes in the U.S.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by davidruddell View Post
                    An event that's sadly lacking in the UK, surely in these times Fox/Cgars/H&F/Davidoff/Dunhill & others could put something together, which would be worth attending/paying for?

                    Outdoors with a covering, specific smoking areas?
                    In order to comply with the 'anti-smoking' regs (i.e. side-step the nonsense), all a potential venue needs to supply is a marquee (or similar) which is not enclosed by more than 50%, then it's considered 'open' and O.K.

                    Perhaps, if the worst comes to the worst, the UKCF members could club together and rent one. We could pitch it somewhere in a field, say. . . Hertfordshire, and keep the location a secret until the night of the event. Then, we could text the address to 'interested parties' (like a good old fashioned 90's rave) and meet up without any (ahem) 'imperial entanglements' or interference.

                    Course, it'd have to be BYOB (bring your own booze).

                    Any takers?
                    Originally posted by DRAGMASTER
                    Every time I sleep with a girl I smoke a cigar while we do it. It's exciting and makes you feel strong, manly and empowered.

