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what's the problem with cigars in UK??

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Robusto View Post

    Britain can be very conservative about cigars, I think. I've never had a second look in Germany or France when out and about with a big one.

    I think a lot of it is a consequence of TIME and WEATHER. In the UK a lunch hour is an hour, and a lot of people these days don't even take that. In France it's two hours, plenty of time for a meal and a leisurely smoke after.

    Al Fresco seating is also relatively new in the UK, but even then is really only enjoyable in the warmer months. Or, maybe would be if it wasn't for the habit of too many cafe owners to pack the seating so close that it's difficult to light up without the fear of creating an annoyance with the smoke or burning someone. Last year I was asked to leave a Cafe in Grays in Essex because the smell of my Monte Petite was annoying a bunch of female Boots employees, two of whom were smoking cigarettes. (The cafe owner was very uncomfortable and apologetic about it, but they were regular customers whereas I was just a passer-through).
    Absolutely agree with what you've written, tipp!

    The climate here, and the different length of time given for lunch breaks, are critical factors.

    We have no balconies to speak of in this country. I would love it to be a bit more Cote d'Azur in so many ways. and being warm at night... being comfortable outdoors... would be top of the list.

    We NEVER get that sexy Mediterranean heat here. We might get it for the odd day but the heat doesn't linger... I miss that.

    On the radio this morning has been much criticism of the longer pub opening hours in the UK and the fact that a European "cafe culture" hasn't come about in the UK.

    I think there is more provision for outdoor eating, drinking and smoking, but on a typical day like today in South-East Kent, it's grey and cold yet again. It's not conducive to smoking outdoors.

    I do think we have to be determined to smoke where we can when we want to. I am quite confident about this now and feel good when I do it.

    I am cautious not to be antisocial about it - and I detest stupid fussmakers.

    But I think walking around with a significant cigar on the go - I'm serious about this - is a form of Cuban benediction to bystanders.

    Those in the slipstream are the privileged!


    • #17
      I know where to buy Cubans in the High Street in Calais.
      Calais is no big shout of a French town. Same for Dunquerque.
      But they can support Cuban trade.

      Can't get em in Thanet, Deal, Dover, Folkestone.

      Availability counts.


      • #18
        get out a cigar, or mention a cigar in the uk...and Churchill the first thing people think of....
        plus if you ever hunt for "fat cats" in industry/business they always have charactures of people with a big fat cigar...

        Its a percieved class thing here in the uk...sadly


        • #19
          Some very good points raised in this thread about why cigar smoking may get some surprised looks.

          I once had a woman come up to me in Plymouth and comment on the size of my, erm, stick... I was quite pleased with that... As I probably would be if I was told it suited me.
          My cigar review blog: The Cigar Monologues (Twitter / Facebook)
          My Company:
          Siparium Sporting


          • #20
            there is another thing...I know from some car forums im a member of, you sometimes get the comments of p***s envy...could the same apply here...a cigar is not always just a cigar........probably why more women dont smoke cigars tbh (shame )


            • #21
              I smoked a JL#1 on the way to the pub on sunday. I had to walk down a main road for a bit. The looks I got from some of the passing cars. Amazement, shock , sneers, smiles, people quickly talking to each other-
              "Did you see that!", "what a wanker" hopefully "gee, he looks cool"
              I think it is because it's not quite the norm so yer average Joe/Josey can't cope. Unfortunately this country is more and more going this way
              Conform...conform (obv said in a robot stylee!)
              Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.


              • #22
                I don't geddit

                Originally posted by pedro_han View Post
                So...what is this class thing in UK about cigars??
                Wasn't Churchill revered as a ghod, the saviour of the Bruitish Aisles? Aren't there statues of him smoking a big, fat one on every street corner where the hoi polloi bow down to worship thrice daily? Seems to me a stogie smoker on the streets in the UK should be having rose petals strewn at his feet. Virgins should be offering up their maidenhood and vendors showering them with goods. Wot's the world coming to then?


                • #23
                  Originally posted by rokkitsci View Post
                  Wasn't Churchill revered as a ghod, the saviour of the Bruitish Aisles? Aren't there statues of him smoking a big, fat one on every street corner where the hoi polloi bow down to worship thrice daily? Seems to me a stogie smoker on the streets in the UK should be having rose petals strewn at his feet. Virgins should be offering up their maidenhood and vendors showering them with goods. Wot's the world coming to then?
                  Britain can be very odd in some ways Rok. In America if an everyday bloke works hard and gets a top end car. Folks will look at it and think, yeah he's made it, I want to work hard like him and get me one of those. In this country some are more likely to think 'flash git' and 'key' it!
                  If you want to, you can.
                  And, if you can, you must!


                  • #24
                    tis tru...ive had cars vandalised a few times......
                    uk seems to suffer from a lot of jelousy over material things


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by simonjgriffithshr View Post
                      Some very good points raised in this thread about why cigar smoking may get some surprised looks.

                      I once had a woman come up to me in Plymouth and comment on the size of my, erm, stick... I was quite pleased with that... As I probably would be if I was told it suited me.
                      Were you smoking at the time Simon?


                      • #26
                        I dont smoke out and about as I don't really get out for extended periods . I dont walk & smoke. Saying that, Ive not had my humi & collection for a year yet, I got my stock september onwards really, so I only got the tail end of the summer weather to enjoy some cigars.

                        Now that it's coming back (or is it?!?), I'll make sure to think of cigar smoking places when I take a trip


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by tippexx View Post
                          Britain can be very odd in some ways Rok. In America if an everyday bloke works hard and gets a top end car. Folks will look at it and think, yeah he's made it, I want to work hard like him and get me one of those. In this country some are more likely to think 'flash git' and 'key' it!

                          Couldnt be more true that tipp, ive had my car bricked and keyed, bastards .


                          • #28
                            Just popped into Waitrose to get some cohiba minis and was handed a pack with a warning sticker on the back with a hideous picture of an operation taking place. Now I'm no stranger to horridness but this kind of thing is offensive. I am not gullible and do not enjoy a cigar because I have been beguiled by flashy packaging or smooth marketing and do not need the nanny state to educate me in the way of the state preferred lifestyle. Does every new car come with graphic pictures of road accidents? Every pint of beer with a leaflet on cirrosis? NO and it never should do. My life my choice. So I got the assistant to change it for one with an impotence warning on the back - No worries there thanks!

                            What a lovely 6 minutes it was though once I lit one up.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Pandyboy View Post
                              I wish UK was a bit more like the continent for bars etc.
                              Quoted for Emphasis.


                              • #30

                                I think it depends on the setting as well though. I was at Cheltenham for the races recently and smoked every day I was there, without anyone pointing or staring.

                                There were also a few other lads smoking Partagas P No2, and one lad was chain smoking Esplendidos as his horses failed to finish.

                                Nobody semed to bat an eyelid.
                                "Keep your eyes peeled, your arse up, head down, and your ear to the gound" WHISKY77

