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Ban smoking in all vehicles

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  • #16
    MY ARSE!

    that is all.
    I started out with nothing and i've still got most of it left - Seasick Steve


    • #17
      Sorry this is crap its simply people telling me what to do for pure puritanical pleasure. If someone isn't harming me I don't think I have any right to tell them what to do. Its not enough that they annoy me or that I disapprove of their actions.

      This whole passive smoking thing is nonsense based on no data whatsoever. If anyone tells you different ask to see a primary study showing statistically significant harm caused by passive smoking. They cant because fifty years of searching for evidence of harm has found nothing zero nada.

      The world used to be filled with sexual puritans who felt they could tell grownups who and how they should screw. We have replaced these people with health puritans who seem to feel the same obligation to tell us what to do.


      • #18
        The only good thing, is that (according to the radio this morning) the muppets in charge (read parliament) aren't planning on listening to these 'sensible' recommendations.

        Personally I think it'd be another stupid law that the police won't be able to enforce. And that's before I even think about the human rights implications over telling me what I can't do in MY car that I paid for with MY money.

        If they government weren't going to outlaw smoking and driving when the slightly less ludicrous argument of distractions/safety was cited as a reason, why should they now? It wouldn't surprise me if it was the same bunch of muppets areguing again but with a different reason behind it. It seems there are people who are hell bent on prying the last few pleasures we have left away from us.

        Fucking 'tards.
        My photoblog:
        Pretty ladies, pretty landscapes and fuzzy animals! Tell your friends!


        • #19
          They can't enforce the sensible laws like no telephone while driving why do they think a ban would work on smoking in vehicles? Crazy. Instead of going further down the ban ban ban road they should allow a closed smoking room where an establishment wants to provide one. This on top of the fact that the politicans are all for sale makes me go Grrr and Gnang.


          • #20
            Hi, I agree, except I am quite sure that this chimney car will attract a new tax!


            • #21
              Yip, you have quite a few good points here......I am sure that they will find a slick way of taxing the soking car issue, well they don't want to ban us, they want to tax us!


              • #22
                Yip.....ditto ......


                • #23

                  Originally posted by eggopp View Post
                  Ive got a sunroof why palute the air in the car when you can polute everyones air with it open wide...
                  I have a sunroof too, but I am sure they will still tax us!


                  • #24


                    • #25
                      i heard one of the doctors spearheading this on the news tonight , its not just cars , its *anywere* a child can see the act of smoking is there aim .... so children will grow up ignorant even of smoking's existance i guess is the idea .


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Lord Monte View Post
                        I have a sunroof too, but I am sure they will still tax us!


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by tonyg View Post
                          i heard one of the doctors spearheading this on the news tonight , its not just cars , its *anywere* a child can see the act of smoking is there aim .... so children will grow up ignorant even of smoking's existance i guess is the idea .
                          What a lot of BOLLOCKS.
                          Excuse me for a moment, must rush down to the bookcase with my pen and scissors. Should manage to obliterate the cigars in any pics ofChurchill, Groucho Marx,, George Burns. Then of course cut Raleigh out of the encyclopedia, oh and cigar, tobacco and cigarette out of the dictionary. Wonder what they would call the law, not wanting to refer to anything that may lead some poor misguided soul to light a leaf or two.
                          Aww shit, the holidays abroad are fecked too in case anyone sees one of these nasty irresponsible Johnny Foreigner type chappies doing it.
                          Goodness me, this will be difficult stuff, but if Nanny says its best.........


                          • #28
                            I'm infuriated by this blanket legislation approach.

                            I'm infuriated by the removal of smoking from photos and films and album covers to 'un-exist' smoking. It is George Orwell in action.

                            I'm infuriated by thick people who smoke around children.

                            I educate and have to try to get things across to numerous thick people quite a lot. Not just subject specific stuff but 'life skills' type stuff... which is more important.

                            I'll say something very wrong. I'll stop.

                            I had a BNP leaflet through the door as a pre-emptive election brochure type blitz the other day and it attacks - next to the other vile incitements - governments which tell you what to do and governments which ban things all the time. Right Wing/Communist/Extremist Mixed-Up Bollocks stuff. They all go for hating.

                            No fags in cars... A vote winner for the 'parties' that pander to the disenchanted?... Vote BNP and light up next to your toddler.

                            I get fed up with this stuff because I'm not thick but am made to feel so because of government edicts and pathetic things like blanking out smoking in black and white films. When will they blur out the weapons in Black Hawk Down? I love that but won't spray machine guns about because I've seen it.

                            I get fed up because although comfortable smoking lounges will possibly flourish in big cities - and doubtless in London - they are never going to be the norm out in Smallville. Nearest cigar depot about 40 miles away from me. The last cigar stockist in Canterbury shut down a while back due to the effect of the smoking ban. Now it's a tubed Waitrose if you're gagging.

                            I was pissed off when I heard this on the radio yesterday morning. It's patronising.

                            Like Drew, if I want to smoke a whiffy one off on a drive home alone after a gig, who the fuck is going to be there to stop me?


                            If the stupid people tend to walk on the edge of cliffs and fall off, why should I be kept away from the cliffs completely? (one for daverave lol).

                            Watch out anyone who likes a drink.
                            You'll be next.
                            Last edited by Robusto; 25-03-2010, 07:24 AM.


                            • #29
                              Just while I remember...

                              I was pissed off about banning smoking in pubs but have come round to it. I do agree with my missus that smoke covered up the smell of urinals in pubs, tho, and that many pubs now smell old bloke rank.

                              Smoking alone in your car is not antisocial. It's not like a pub.

                              Walking through a park with your dog enjoying a cigar is harmless. If a passer by smells the smoke, they've received a Cuban Benediction in my opinion.

                              And if they cop for one sniff and moan - and they never do...

                              Tough shit! Cope with it!

                              In parks, boot fairs, dog walks, beach walks, dog shows in the past year... if people have said anything, they have said...

                              That cigar smells wonderful. We could smell it from the other side of the field.
                              Last edited by Robusto; 25-03-2010, 07:27 AM.


                              • #30
                                (Day AND evening in-situ giving at work today. Woke up moan-y, really. Apologies).

