Having been prodded at various times to provide a chronological exposition of the development of my man-cave I thought that it was time to give it its own little thread.
It started off as a by-product of a much larger two-storey extension we had planned to house my bro-in-law downstairs and us upstairs. the house had a disused cellar which was a bit damp, but not too bad. So, having a good mate called Dave (
) who is an ace plumber/builder/chippy/everything else, he agreed to sort out my cellar for me.
It was fairly dry so I luckily did not need to install a pump. He coated the walls & floor with plastic and a waterproof render & plastered the ceiling.
So this was how it was six months ago.
It started off as a by-product of a much larger two-storey extension we had planned to house my bro-in-law downstairs and us upstairs. the house had a disused cellar which was a bit damp, but not too bad. So, having a good mate called Dave (

It was fairly dry so I luckily did not need to install a pump. He coated the walls & floor with plastic and a waterproof render & plastered the ceiling.
So this was how it was six months ago.